Chapter 60

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When we got to my house, we didn't do much. We changed into some comfy clothes and finished off some homework, then Darius helped to make the cupcakes. Though, he mostly just held onto me and watched from over my shoulder, passing me whatever I asked for occasionally.

After that, we talked about a bunch of random things as we waited for them to bake. Once they had and had cooled down, he helped me Ice them. Smiling smugly to himself at the display of his decorations and when I said that mine were better, he swiped some icing onto my cheek.

I berated him. Telling him off for causing me a potential breakout and he just laughed, standing and attempting to clean it off of my face. With his tongue.

Eventually, we made it upstairs, a plate of the sweets with us, and I insisted that we put the final finishing touches onto our project since we have to turn it in next week.

I may also have been trying to distract myself from the growing feeling of butterflies in my stomach that had began downstairs.

But nonetheless, we needed to get it done.

And that is where we are now.

He clicks a few keys and then leans back against the sofa in my bedroom. "Fucking finally." He breathes.

"After months." I agree, taking one last glance.

"If we don't get an A-plus, I'm getting that bitch fired."

"Darius!" I snap my head up.

"What? We worked out asses off for this and it's fucking good. We deserve it."

That is true. "Don't call her that." I go to shut the laptop and hide my smile because I am actually pretty proud of what we've done.

Five thousand words of mythology and literary criticism and appreciation, as well as several sources and philosophies all tying everything up perfectly.

And we did it together.

Once it closes, Darius already has me in his lap and wraps his arms around me, laying his head onto my shoulder.

"You know." I say. "The reason why we're here now is because of her."

He lifts his head, eyes meeting mine. "It is?"

"Mhm. If Miss Delaney hadn't partnered us on the project, we may have never spoken again or reconciled."

He gets that faraway, painful look in his eyes. The kind that he always tends to get when anything about our separation or his forgetting is mentioned.

"I'm happy we did." I offer him a soft smile and after a moment, he returns it.

"So am I." He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "Perhaps I won't get her fired after all."

"You wouldn't have to in the first place." My smile grows. "We're definitely getting a good grade for this."

"You think?"

Nodding, I wrap my arms around his neck. "We worked hard."

"We did." He presses a gentle kiss to my lips.

He pulls away and when we lock eyes again, I feel it.The electricity in the air that signals what has been charging is now starting to spark.

He leans in again, kissing me less gently than before.

His lips are so soft and they feel molten against my own. He bites my top one and I gasp, allowing him to slide his tongue inside my mouth. He repositions me so that I'm straddling him, without breaking the kiss, and runs his hands over my thighs.

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