Chapyer 23

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I've been away with the boys for a few days to carry out Luca's last plans for Maddy's assaulters.

We spent a hell of a lot of time fucking them up. Both mentally and physically.

I haven't done anything like that in a while and I almost forgot how exhilarating it feels to be in control of the life of the person in front of you. To hold the weight of a knife in your hand and ignite with electricity with every glide of metal across their skin.

Fucking beautiful.

But it's over now and we're on our way home in the jet.

I've taken a whole lot of taunting from them about Tella, too.

Which, has been entirely unhelpful considering my unusual amount of feelings towards her.

I almost got up to leave an hour ago because they were pissing me off.

"I want a fucking croissant." Angel complains to the ceiling.

"So ask for one." I say.

"I can't be fucking bothered."

"Then shut up."

He glares at me. "Rude."

I sigh and look over at him, gesturing to Luca's plate.

Angel grins and leans over to swipe it while he's distracted on his phone.

"Fucker!" Luca scolds when he notices. But, it's a little too late because Angel's already swallowed half the fucking thing.

"You snooze, you lose."

"When you snooze, I'll fucking fill your sheets with itching powder."

"Okay. Well, that's just crossing a line."

"Hey." I snap my fingers. Once their attention is on me, I hold my finger to my lips and incline my head in Oak's direction.

He's sleeping sound as a fucking baby on one of the sofas on the other side of the jet. A blanket covers his body and a pillow is propped under his head.

"Aw." Angel coos. "Look at the little guy."

"All worn out." Luca mutters.

"We're free." I whisper. "Don't ruin it."

We all nod and let him be.

A flight attendant comes in and takes our empty dishes away while another lays a tray of treats and drinks onto the table between Angel's and my and Luca's sofas.

We all reach in. Luc picks up an oreo, Angel a churro and me, a doughnut.

I lift it to my lips but stop when it's halfway there.

Pink sprinkles.

Fuck me.

I shovel the stupid thing into my mouth, chewing, swallowing and slouching back into the cushions.

"What?" Lucas quirks a brow.

"What?" I echo.

"What's up your ass?"

I turn to Angel and narrow my eyes.

A slow smile makes its way onto his face. "Or, perhaps it's... what's not up your ass?"

"What?" Both me and Luca say.

"Is it about Donatella?" He rephrases and I launch a pillow at his face. It hits its target but his grin doesn't waver.

Enchanted  (Billionaire Boys Club #2) |  ongoing Where stories live. Discover now