Chapter 27

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Over the weekend, I had a lot of time to look back at what happened on Friday night.

The sneaking into my bedroom.

The conversation we had.

The way I hugged him and he hugged me back.

And I may have been mostly asleep but I knew that forehead kiss was real.

Though, that one doesn't really mean much, I guess. It's not like it was an actual kiss.

Speaking of which, I still cannot believe I had that dream. And about him, no less.

Not only is he my childhood best friend but he's also a known womaniser, who I've been told countless times, doesn't catch feelings. For anyone.

I know he cares about me. He told me so yesterday. And I believe him.

But I just don't believe he could in that way.

Anyone would be worried for their friend if they were in the situation I was in. Him being so isn't shocking or crazy. Surprising that he showed up in the middle of the night next to my bed? Perhaps. But I think that's just his nature. Slightly insane.

I blow a strand of hair that's fallen into my face and it flutters away, no longer obstructing my vision.

I shake my head, mentally preparing myself for another day of school and another day of being closer to him than I have in years. Then, I lift my chin and walk into the building.

Heading straight for my locker, I open it and organise what I need for the morning. I take one more once over of myself in the mirror and touch up my mascara before shutting the door and turning around.

A sudden slam of deja vu hits me when I spot Darius leaning back against the row of lockers opposite of mine.

I hold a hand to my heart on a gasp.

"Stop doing that."

"Sorry." He smiles, not seeming sorry at all.

"Chh." I make a sound that I've unknowingly inherited from my mom, lowering my hand to my side. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see the show."

"Show?" I furrow my brows. "What show? Is there a show?"

He chuckles. "I guess not so much for you."


Suddenly, there is an outbreak of murmured whispers among the semi crowded hallway and I look over to see someone walking down.

My heart skips a beat.

Without knowing it, I shy away, stepping back and gluing myself to my locker.

My eyes dart to Darius but his are calm and reassuring. Well, that is until he glances in Riley's direction and they harden to rock.

Flicking my eyes back there, I notice that he's walking... towards me.

Oh no.

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

He wouldn't do anything with all these people around, right?

I fist the hem of my skirt, keeping it tight against my legs and try not to freak out.

He stops just over a meter away from me.

It's then that I notice the effects of Jeremy's force to his face and...

Are his arms broken?

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