Chapter 48

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Once I return home from dropping off Tella, I go to see my mother, wanting to know what she thought of their little tea date.

I still can't believe she made me sign a fucking contract.

"Quick. Sit down."

"Woah, I walk in the door and I don't even get a hello?"

"Hello. Please sit down."

"Okay." I chuckle and sit myself onto Donatella's sofa.

"I need you to sign this." She comes over and hands me a sheet of pink paper as well as a glitter pen.

"And what is this, exactly?"

"Um... a contract?"

"Was that a question?"

"No. Is is. A contract."

"What for?"

"Read it."

Looking down at the writing, I begin to do so, out loud.

"This contract states that under no circumstances, emotional or emergency, is Darius Ford to accompany Donatella Winters to her tea with his mother. Seriously?" I raise a brow.

"It's important." She stresses.

I scan over the remainder of the paragraph and move onto the second. "No matter how desperate or however many times she pleads, he is not to concede or go back on his word. He is to leave her to attend the tea on her own and dismiss any attempts of convincing him to either go inside with her or leave with her. Sweetheart , is this really necessary? If you ask me not to let you back out, you just have to ask. With words." I emphasise.

"But these are words. Words that will be binding once you sign them."

"When did this contract thing even come to mind?"

"Well, I was on the phone with Daci and she thought that if I thought that I'd somehow not go through with it or not go through with it alone, then I should do this to make sure that I do."

"Your cousin is mad, darling."

"Though, she did have a particular fondness for The Hatter, she's really not as crazy as everyone thinks she is. At least, not in a bad way."

I lift the contract. "This isn't even a little crazy to you?"

"It makes it unbreakable." She reasons. "Which is actually double because of the last line of the last paragraph, in bold."

I try to hold in my laugher. "A pinky promise?"

I don't know what it is with this girl and pinky promises but I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me feel something whenever she made me do them. Plus, it's fucking adorable.

"Yes. Now sign. Please."

I sigh deeply but flatten the sheet of paper onto the table and sign on the dotted line. She then takes the pen from me and signs in her own space.

"Happy?" I ask.

She holds out her pinky. "First this."

I wrap mine around hers and squeeze lightly.

"Say the words."

"What words?"

"The words on the paper that you will honour as oath."

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