Chapter 19

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Once we're all seated, a waiter comes along to hand us some menus before walking away to give us some time to decide.

"Have you been here before?" Iris asks from beside me.

Our table is seated for the six of us. Oakley and Lee on either side of Jeremy while I'm sandwiched between Iris and Darius on the opposite end.

"A few times." I answer. "Have you?"

"Yes. Do you like their sashimi?"

"Mhm. And the California rolls are really good."

"Oh my god, they are. Do you want to get one of each and we can share?"


"What drinks do you want?"

"Ummm." I look over the menu she's showing me and scan the options. "I think I'll just get a lychee drink."

"I think I'm going to get a coke."

"You girls ready to order?" Oakley asks.

"Yep." Iris sets down the menu right when our waiter returns with waters.

He takes our orders and then tells us that they'll have it out very soon, to which my stomach replies with another grumble. It was more internal, though, so no one heard, thank goodness.

I take a sip of water and tune into the conversation going on with Oakley and Iris.

"All I'm saying, is that that explosion was not my fault."

"You literally had the chemicals in your hands."


"Coincidence that there are literally several whitenesses who clearly said that it was you?"


She holds her head in her hand and the table laughs.

I wonder if she feels the same way about him than she does with Darius.

I've seen their subtle glances before.

Or maybe it's just my hopeless romantic heart.

Not long after, the food arrives and we all dig in.

"This is what I needed." Iris remarks, popping a California roll into her mouth.

I take a sip of my drink and look around the table.

I glance at Darius's spicy tuna rolls and feel a tinge of regret for not also getting some.

His eyes meet mine and he flicks his to his plate. He then picks one up and deposits it onto mine, gesturing for me to eat it.

I blink in surprise but then give him a smile. "Thank you."

He opens his mouth and then closes it again, nodding his head before focusing his attention back to his plate.

"You know." Jeremy starts. "These are pretty good. But, I'm not sure if they can top yours." He turns to Lee.

"Nothing can top mine." He says.

"He's right." Oakley speaks up. "Lee Ikari is the sushi master."

"What can I say?" He shrugs. "It's a gift."

We finish our meals and then the bill comes.

"Just let me do it." Lee clutches it while Jeremy holds his wallet hostage.

"Fuck no. You paid last time."


"So let me do it this time."

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