Chapter 11

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Once we arrive at the mall, Darius gets out and helps me out of the car.

"Thank you." I say, taking his hand and allowing him to pull me.

I move the few hair strands that have blown into my face to the side and then look up at him, only to find his gaze already on me, quizzical and amused.


"Nothing." He blinks and shuts the door, leading us towards the entrance.

"No, what?"

"You thank me very time." He faces me.


"Whenever I help you out of the car. Or when I open a door for you. You thank me every single time."

"Well, yeah. It's polite." I frown.

He tilts his head to the side. "Hm. You are, aren't you? Polite. Nice."

"I hope so." I laugh bashfully. Feeling slightly scrutinised. Like he's assessing me.

He nods slowly and then pulls me along.

"So, where are we going?"

Suddenly, I feel bad. Like I've dragged him along to something he doesn't want to do.

"You can decide. I made you come. You should choose."

He stops and pins me with a hard expression.

"If I didn't want to come, I wouldn't have. Pick wherever you want to go. Whatever you want to get. We can leave whenever you want to leave. Understand?"

My mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water. The words that came out of his are... considerate. But his gaze is stern and his tone is authoritative.

Maybe he's just really serious about what he said?

I can't lie that looking up at him right now kind of intimidates me.

He wasn't as much like this when we were younger. There were a couple times that he'd get in other kids' faces if they were mean to me but other than that, he was sweet. And he's been kind in the weeks we've known each other. Sometimes a little annoying, but kind.

"Y-yes. I understand."

His eyes lock on mine, travelling down and then away once he faces forward.

"Good. Come on."

We spend some time in random stores. Most of that time being me browsing and him watching me. He doesn't complain, though.

I spot MiuMiu and automatically walk into it.

I haven't found anything in particular that I want to buy yet but I just know that there will be some in here. There always is.

First, I shift through the racks. Bypassing the pieces I don't want and holding onto the things that I do. After about four items, however, it's harder to navigate. So, I turn to Darius.

"Do you mind holding these, please?"

He takes them without a peep, folding them over his arm.

Once I've accumulated a good amount of clothes, I then decide that it's be an excellent idea to pick out some accessories to go with them.

After that, Darius has arms full of clothes, that would have me drowning but on him, it looks just fine. The sales assistant, who also joined us, is carrying four pairs of shoes, a bag and a small basket of hair pieces.

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