Chapter 6

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It was strange, seeing Darius yesterday.

He didn't move when his gaze met mine. Didn't turn or even blink. Not for a second.

He seemed deep in thought. Or, at least I believe so. It was only a short time before we pulled away.

After we went our separate ways on Monday, I started to think. The thoughts kept me up well into the night. The words muddling up in my head until I had no choice but to sleep.

Maybe it's okay that he doesn't remember me. The fact could possibly only complicate things.

Perhaps we could become friends now. Without any strings attaching us to the past.

It's probably not healthy for me to be so begrudging about letting it go. The main reason for this likely stemming from the lack of friendships I have now.

Besides, I believe everything happens for a reason.

I moved away and came back. He didn't remember me. A lot could've happened between those timelines that I'm unaware of.

But we've been brought back together. We'll have to spend at least a few months working on this project. There's not a chance that we won't grow to be friends in that time, right?

So this morning, I made up my mind.

I'm going to try my best to detach myself from my memories that we no longer share and try to befriend him again.

I won't push.

I'll just do whatever feels right.

And right now, that's going into that cafe with the most confidence I can muster without looking like I'm on the verge of a panic attack.

I can do that.

Thanking anh Hoàng, I take his hand and allow him to help me out of the car before I watch him close the door and drive away.

Deep breath.

I enter the cafe and instantly smile as the warm fumes of delicious treats and drinks surround me.

I truly do love it here.

I walk deeper into the room and spot him already here, sat at the table where we were on Monday.

His back is to me so I can't see what he's doing but it seems like he's been here for at least a little while.

Slowly, I approach the table and my eyes widen when I round it.

He looks up and grins at me.

"Hey there, little ballerina."

"Hi." I lower myself into my chair and glance from him to the two boba cups and the plate of yakgwa cookies.

"Thought you'd want to replenish your energy." He explains simply.

"Thank you." I hesitate before picking up the cup and taking a sip from the straw.

"No problem, sweetheart." He taps his finger on the table and when I look there, I notice his laptop. "So. I created a template."

"Already? The whole thing?"

"Well, not the whole thing. Just a few subtitles and myths. There's still a few more that you can choose."

"Okay." I gesture to the device. "May I?"

He smiles and hands it over.

"This is good." I say as I scroll through.

"Thanks. You can input whatever else you want."

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