Chapter 1: Airport Security

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Warning: Explicit intercourse between two women


I entered the main gate of the boarding area of the airport. "Name and passport" barked a man behind a desk. "Alyssa Wright" I handed him my passport, he checked the picture and data against my physical appearance; long black hair, light skin, green eyes, medium height, 26yo. I pretended not to notice as he stared unapologetically at my breasts. After a moment he returned my passport and told me to move along.

I was both regretting and feeling good about my choice of clothing for the trip. I knew I should have worn something comfortable, after all it was a 14 hour flight. But I couldn't resist the temptation to have some fun, plus the arousal was rapidly increasing my powers.

I wore a super short and flowy string strap dress with absolutely no underwear underneath. My nipples visible through the thin fabric of the dress and having to keep holding the skirt of the garment down lest I flash everyone. But it was thrilling.

The arousal fueled my powers so much that my passive talents were active at full force. My sexual pheromones flowing abundantly around me causing me to catch everyone's attention and easily seduce any poor soul.

Security checkpoint, let's see should we start the fun early or be cautious. "Fun" whispered the horny familiar bastard that lives rent free in my body. I hate it when I don't know what he's going to do. I lined up at the metal detector, as my turn came.. It beeped. That damn familiar.

"Step aside ma'am" called an officer, I did as instructed and followed the female officer to the side. Well at least she's cute, early 30s, blonde pixie cut, short and slim, pale skin and gray eyes. She began questioning me as she ran a manual metal detector over my body, I told her I was carrying no metal but the device was going haywire.

"Roger! Come here a second" She called over to her supervisor, they whispered among themselves while glancing at me. "Do a cavity search Amy" instructed Roger and walked away. Amy led me to a small room with no windows, a metal table, some containers and a chair. She locked the door and looked sympathetically at me "I'm going to have to search inside you for any illegal objects, do you understand?" I nodded and responded "I understand".

"Please undress" she handed me a container for my clothes. I removed my dress and deposited it, leaving her slightly shocked that I was wearing nothing else. She then put on a pair of surgical gloves and grabbed a bottle of lube. "Please bend over the table" I did as instructed, becoming aroused at feeling so exposed to a stranger and knowing they were going to touch me. As she put on the gloves and applied the lube without looking at me, I was doing my best not to squirm as my pussy began to get wet and my nipples stiffened.

Amy walked behind me, her gloved fingers against the entrance of my pussy as I fought the urge to push back against them. Thankfully she inserted one of her fingers inside me, wiggling it around looking for anything foreign. Then the demon spoke again "Fuuuuuuun". "Huh? I think I feel something but I can't grab it, what do you have in there?" Amy demanded "I swear I don't have anything!" I tried to sound as calm as possible to hide my arousal. Amy scoffed "We'll see about that"

I tried to get my breathing under control while Amy removed her fingers to grab more lube. "Alright then, if you wanna do this the hard way we can do it the hard way" she lined her fingers against my entrance again, as she pushed her fingers they slipped past my entrance and pushed against my clit instead causing me to moan loudly and grind against her fingers "SHIT! FUCK! Sorry I used too much lube!" as she cleaned off some of the lube with paper towels I could see she was blushing. My familiar chuckled "She's becoming drunk on your pheromones".

One more time she put her fingers against my entrance, I was breathing heavily and flushed with arousal. Amy pushed inside, two fingers this time, I moaned again and pushed against her fingers involuntarily. "Stay still!" she commanded, "I-I'm sorry, feels good" I whimpered, she moved her fingers around, in and out, pressing and probing. I continued making small moans every time she moved. My pussy juices exuded an insane amount of pheromones that surely were already driving poor Amy mad.

Drunk on the pheromones she pushed in a third finger with no warning, "You like this you fucking slut?" I whimpered at both the feeling and the humiliation, then Amy began to finger fuck me. No more searching, no more regulations, just being raped by a hot blonde officer. I stopped holding back my moans and gave in to the feeling "Yes! Yes! Please! Oh fuck yes!".

"Flip over bitch" she ordered, I laid on my back on the table, legs wide open and completely exposed. Amy hovered over me for a second and then began to suck on one of my nipples while her hand continued its labor of fucking me. I was almost screaming as I got closer to my orgasm "Don't stop please, oh fuck, oh fuck, I'm gonna cum!" she fucked my pussy faster and I screamed my orgasm. "Good slut, cumming from my fingers".

As I came down from my high I could see Amy undressing. I sat up to get a better view. Her body was incredible, small perky breasts with pink nipples, immaculate tight looking pussy. "Down bitch" she ordered and I obeyed. She then sat down on the chair with her legs spread and pointed at the floor, I knelt in front of her, orders clear.

As I gave her cunt the first lick I realized how wet she was, she got off on what she did to me. I began to eagerly lick her up and down, she moaned and spread her legs further. I switched to licking and sucking on her clit, grabbing one of perfect tits I played with the nipple, my other hand sliding two fingers inside her.

Amy was squirming in her seat and pressing her pussy against my face, coating my face with her juices as I continued to abuse her clit. "I'm close!" she exclaimed, and I curled my finger inside her, earning a moan straight from a porn film. I continued massaging that spot, curling and uncurling my fingers and pulling at her nipple. With a particularly hard suck to her clit she screamed "CUMMING!", squirting on my face and tits.

I licked all the juices I could but ultimately I would be needing a towel. Amy panted on the chair, pussy and chair soaked, the floor clear evidence of what had transpired. When she recovered she pulled a blanket from a cabinet and we used it as a towel. I attempted to remove some of the extremely evident smell with hand sanitizer, not that I minded smelling like sex but it would be detrimental when trying to catch another prey.

We dressed and left the room. She gave her report that she found nothing on me and I was free to continue on my way.

My heart was beating so fast from both excitement and arousal, despite having dried myself off a moment ago, being so exposed to hundreds of people at the airport was making me aroused again very fast.

I started walking towards the gate but as soon as I reached it the intercom boomed "Flight SR-1872 with destination to Connecticut has been delayed.We expect it to arrive at 9:45pm, we are sorry for the inconvenience". I sighed and checked the time, 8pm "Goddamn it! I should call Darryl to let him know I'll be later than expected".

Finding a quiet spot in a crowded airport was like finding a parking spot during Black Friday, but I found an under construction area that was completely empty so I could make my call. After hanging up I sighed, remembering the wait ahead of me.

Suddenly I had an idea; "It's too risky" said logic; "It's gonna be so fucking hot" said my familiar. I bit my lip, that little demon does have a way with words.

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