Chapter 12: Experimenting

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Warning: Explicit intecourse between a man and woman. Drug use.


As we reached a secluded place I teleported all of us and the vehicle back to the mansion, giving Connor a good scare but he didn't comment on it. I parked at a decent enough spot and let someone else take care of putting Akoth's car in its rightful place.

As we walked up to the door I paused and looked at Connor "I should let you know, this is my brother's place I'm staying in right now. Visiting the family you know. He won't harm you as he is under my orders, just don't let him get under your skin", the demon hunter gulped and nodded. I turned to Ethan "If Akoth becomes aggressive, protect Connor", I smiled briefly before delivering a telepathic message "Once I enter my room with Connor use the binding ring to enter my body, I have a fun plan for us", Ethan smiled back and then proceeded to open the doors and bow to allow us in.

"Brother dearest, I'm back and I have a friend with me" I called out and Akoth walked in from one of the hallways wearing only sweatpants and in his demon form. Upon scanning Connor he immediately positioned himself for combat where he stood, "He's a demon slayer Lilith, step away and I'll take care of him" he growled. I laughed and placed an arm around Connor "Stand down Akoth, Connor is with me".

Akoth then glared at Ethan who had closed the doors and was walking over to Connor, my brother growled at the incubus "You! You were supposed to be protecting her, you useless hellspawn!". In an instant I picked up Akoth by the throat, claws digging into his skin, my voice deep and commanding "You will not speak to my son like that! Do you understand?", unable to speak, Akoth softly nodded and whimpered, I dropped him and he kneeled coughing "My deepest apologies for my insubordination Lord Liltih, Master Ethan.. " he grit his teeth before speaking his next words ".. Master Connor, you are most welcome in our home".

Ethan, unphased by the occurrence, gleefully clung to Connor's arm and kissed his cheek "Master can be such a sweetheart". I went back to normal and walked back to Ethan and Connor "Sorry about that, my brother has a bit of an attitude sometimes". I grabbed Connor's hand and Ethan released him "Ethan dear, would you be so kind as to bring us some wine and candy?" Ethan bowed "Yes Master".

"Come now" I walked towards my bedroom pulling Connor along, he looked around admiring the various decorations and paintings "A bit macabre but excellent taste", "The decoration was done by Akoth, this is his mansion, it's decent. I'll bring you to my place one day and show you what a real elegant abode looks like". We walked into the bedroom and settled into a couch with a stone coffee table in front of it, not a moment later there was a knock at the door. "Come in" I called out, Ethan walked in with a platter holding a large clear unmarked bottle full of wine, two cups and a small bowl with colored pills. The incubus bowed again and moved to exit the room, "Please carry out the rest of your orders accordingly" I said to him before he left, he bowed and exited the room.

Connor held up the bottle of wine, admiring it as it had tiny glows of gold when the liquid moved around in the bottle. "Are you pouring?" I asked as I smiled playfully at him, "What is this exactly? Are you trying to poison me?" he asked in a neutral tone. I laughed softly "I couldn't if I wanted to. Remember I didn't take your defenses away" to prove a point I summoned fire at him and the spell immediately broke as it touched him, Connor yelped "That was unnecessary but point taken".

I grabbed the wine bottle "If you must know, it's 600 year old wine imbued with fairy magic. And before you ask, we did not kill the faeries, they used their magic to enchant the wine", I poured some wine on my cup and took a sip. "Would you like some? Or would you prefer regular wine?" Connor held his hand out to grab my cup and I handed it to him, he tasted the liquid and his eyes widened "So this is what magic tastes like, it's indescribable". I smiled and poured another cup for myself, letting him keep the one he held.

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