Chapter 15: New home

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Needless to say, Akoth was less than pleased at the news that Connor had become his sister's servant. Unable to defy Lilith he begrudgingly made his peace with the new addition to the family.

A week later we said their goodbyes to Akoth and left for Italy. Upon arrival much to Connor's surprise we headed towards the Vatican stopping about a mile away.Walking into a dark alley, Connor blinked and when he opened his eyes again we stood in front of a castle with a large beautiful garden of roses.

Connor looked around taking in the beautiful sight as we walked towards the castle door. The door opened as we approached it. When we entered we were greeted by several demons in skimpy clothing.

When the demons noticed Connor they became hostile and prepared to attack, "Stand down, he's my servant" I ordered and they all calmed down.

I guided Connor to his room which to his surprise had all his belongings in it, "How did you do this?" he asked while walking around the room.

"It wasn't hard figuring out where you lived so I took the liberty of moving your belongings, hope you don't mind"

Connor hugged me "Thank you".

I smiled "Would you like a tour of the castle?" Connor nodded and we toured the place. When we reached the kitchen I informed the chef we had a human guest and that he would need to prepare human food as well now.

We ate dinner, said our goodnights and went to our respective rooms.

Connor woke up in the middle of the night when he felt movement, Ethan had climbed into bed with him and was cuddling with him. He could definitely get used to this.

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