Chapter 3: Teasing a pervert

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Sighing I walked back towards my gate, that blowjob sure made me hornier... I grabbed the remote and increased the power of the toy to the next level, a moan accidentally escaping me in the crowded area getting me multiple weird looks.

I checked the time again, 9:15PM, boarding should start soon. As if on cue a flight attendant called over all passengers for SR-1872 to Connecticut, I quickly moved to the line in small steps so the toy wouldn't slip out of place. As I stood in line I finally felt it, my pussy was literally dripping.

Standing still it was easy to feel how it was dripping down my thighs ever so slightly, I just hoped it wouldn't drip so much that people would think I pissed myself. The line moved slowly, nothing surprising there but it was making me more nervous with every passing second and even worse it was making me more aroused.

Having nothing better to do while I waited I looked around at the other people in line, at least there were no kids that could accidentally run into me and make a shocking discovery. I unconsciously squirmed around at the feeling of the vibrator. Then a sound caught my attention, a camera shutter? I glanced behind me discreetly and noticed the man behind me taking upskirt pictures of me.

That voice again "Let's give him a better view since he wants to look so badly", I grinned. 'Accidentally' dropping my phone in front of me I bent down slowly and lower than necessary to pick it up, I heard a gasp behind me and more shutter sounds, I grabbed my phone from the floor and pretended to inspect for damage while holding my position then elegantly straightened up again.

I turned around to look at the man behind me, panic evident in his eyes. Shame he's that kind of pervert since he's not even bad looking. Giving him the most innocent and sweet smile I spoke "How embarrassing that you had to see that! I can be so clumsy sometimes, dropping my phone like that in public. I'm Alyssa by the way". "Hank, my name is Hank" his expression relaxed but was still cautious, "Nice to meet you Hank. Hey, did you hear that sound before? Like a camera shutter. I couldn't see anyone with a camera though".

Hank turned pale but tried to maintain his expression as neutral as possible "N-no I uh... I didn't hear anything", keeping the innocent and sweet act I replied "Must have just been my imagination then. I'm pretty tired, didn't get any sleep last night".

Before we could continue the false pretense of a conversation the flight attendant called my turn, I handed her my documents and boarded the plane.

Thankfully I had a hallway side seat, although having to press my very much bare ass against other passengers sounded nice, having the comfort to move around as I please is better. I laid down a towel I had in my purse on the seat before sitting down.

A few minutes later my seat neighbor walked in, and it was none other than Hank, when he spotted me he froze for a second, then continued as if nothing had happened sitting down beside me. With a warm smile addressed him "Hank! How wonderful to have someone I have already had the pleasure of being introduced to being beside me". Hank feigned a smile and nodded "Indeed it will be a pleasure to fly beside you Alyssa".

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