Chapter 6: Arrival

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After what seemed like forever the plane reached its destination. I gave Connor one last smile and un-boarded the plane.

As I walked down a hallway I spoke telepathically to my familiar, "Why were you silent with Connor?" I asked, "He protected master" he answered simply. I accepted the answer and carried on.

Too eager to see Darryl, I didn't make additional stops along the way and went directly to the exit gate. There he was, holding the stupidest sign "Demon + Familiar". I walked in my usual seductive fashion towards him until he spotted me and I sprinted to hug him. "Darryl you brat! I've missed you", him being twice my size picked me up and hugged me tighter "Missed you too you bitch". "Where's Ethan?" inquired Darryl, I groaned "Had to fuse him with me because he wouldn't stop being a cunt. Also I refuse to use his name, he's been bratty".

Darryl is a big dude, too tall, broad shoulders, big muscles, sandy skin, long brown hair kept in a braid, green eyes. If you put us side by side, all we share is eye color. But Darryl is my baby brother.

"So how was the trip?"

"Mostly boring, only caught a few prey, wanted to do it organic to not waste magic.. But my pheromones were too strong. I did run into someone interesting though"

"Interesting how?"

"Well for one the Famili-"


"Fine! Ethan didn't want to corrupt him. The mortal tried to protect me. Acted very innocently and.. He wasn't affected by my pheromones at all"

"What do you mean he wasn't affected!? What sort of creature was he?"

"I don't know, I didn't want to use magic to analyze him in fear he could detect it"

Darryl looked concerned "Well at least you won't be seeing him again"

"Actually... we exchanged numbers and plan on going on a date"

"YOU WHAT!? Alyssa, that could be dangerous!" multiple people stared as Darryl yelled at me.

"I know, but I feel like I need to know what he is. He intrigues me"

Darryl sighed but dropped the issue.

We continued on our way to Darryl's home.

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