Chapter 11: Know your enemy

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Warning: Explicit intercourse between two men. Drug use.


We arrived at a dark street in a dilapidated neighborhood, driving into what looked like an abandoned parking lot until I drove further in and multiple fancy cars came into view as well as guards dressed as gangsters. I parked her car and we all exited. I approached one of the guards who greeted me by name, I handed him a roll of bills.

We then walked down the dark parking lot and onto the even darker street, I walked at the front with Connor and Ethan behind me side by side. As we entered an alley Connor looked concerned and Ethan grabbed his hand and smiled "Don't worry, I'll protect you" Ethan offered comforting words and Connor retorted flushed "I can defend myself, I'll be fine!" but squeezed Ethan's hand.

We reached a large rusted metal door where I knocked a pattern of 10 knocks. A small window opened and someone peeked outside, recognizing me they immediately opened the door. As soon as we entered there was a long hallway and music could be heard in the distance, the door closed with a loud bang and we saw the person who had let us in. It was a muscular lady with long pink hair in a punk outfit "Lady Alyssa, always a pleasure to see you", Alyssa smiled "Amelia, stunning as always. Have you put on more muscle? You look great".

We walked down the long hallways lit with dim blue light, on the walls were vending machines dispensing all sorts of things you would not expect from a vending machine: condoms, various drugs, first aid supplies and something in small black bags.

When we reached the end of the hallway two even more muscular women stood at the doorway with rifles, batons, stun guns and who knows what else. "Are you carrying any weapons?" one of them asked, while the other pulled out a metal detector and began to scan us. "No" "No weapons" "Nope" we all responded, the metal detector didn't detect anything and we were allowed inside.

The music was blaring loudly and there were multiple tables very separate from each other, most of them occupied. At the entrance stood a very pretty male host wearing a white qipao, he was slender with a feminine body shape, his hair half shaved with a long blue side and some light natural makeup. "Welcome Lady Alyssa, Mister Ethan and company. Your usual booth?" the host offered, "Yes please, and bring a tray of the usual for three" the host guided us far into the back, past a curtain and into another hallway. Unlocking a booth he allowed the guests inside and excused himself.

The booth was far more elegant than the club, a plush L shaped couch with a glass coffee table and two more sofas on the sides. The lighting was a dim purple, there was an AC unit and speakers in each corner, all of them off. I turned on the AC using the control on the wall and sat down on the long couch, Connor sitting to my right and Ethan to his right.

Before we could even begin to converse there was a knock on the door, "Come in" I called out and the host entered, placed a tray on the table and quietly left. I made a gesture and locked the door from the inside.

Connor eyed the contents of the tray, an unlabeled bottle of what he imagined was liquor and three glass cups, three small metal containers closed with a lid. He reached out to one of the containers and opened it, it was full of cocaine with a tiny spoon for consumption. He set it down and inspected the other two, multiple joints in one and pills of what he assumed was MDMA on the other.

"May I call you Lilith now?" inquired Connor, "Yes, you may".

"Ok Lilith. What the fuck is all this?" he gestured at the entire tray. I laughed "Well the bottle is a special artisan wine, it's shipped in barrels so it's unlabeled" then she pointed at the containers "And that is some candy for having a good time".

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