Chapter 8: Ethan

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I sat at the edge of her bed in my silk robe, remembering Ethan I grabbed the crystal from the bedside table. "I'm going to let you roam but you better behave or I'm binding you to a public toilet next time" I made a gesture with my hand "Ethan, you may exit this vessel".

The shadow of a man began materializing beside my bed, his characteristics slowly becoming visible. Ethan was standing naked, caramel skin, tall and muscular, his large cock hanging between his legs. He ran his fingers through his white messy hair, looking at me with his beautiful scarlet eyes. "Master. How I missed being able to gaze upon your beauty with my own eyes". He walked closer and knelt in front of his master, I extended my hand and Ethan grabbed it gently and kissed it.

"You were a very dirty little demon today Ethan" I said in a playful tone. Ethan released my hand but remained kneeling, looking up at his master "It is in my nature as an incubus Master". I ruffled his hair, in spite of my seemingly cold attitude towards him I was rather fond of him. I removed my robe and laid down on the bed "Lay down beside me", Ethan rose from the ground and climbed onto the bed laying beside his master.

I moved closer and cuddled up to Ethan, he held me in his arms fondly caressing my back gently. She never showed this side of her to anyone else, Ethan didn't know what made him worthy of being the only one to see her like this and hold her so lovingly, but he loved Lilith very much and was happy to have this privilege. They held onto each other like this until they both fell asleep.

Ethan awoke some time later, still holding his master in his arms. He laid perfectly still to avoid waking her and took in the beauty of her sleeping face. Suddenly she opened her eyes looking directly at her familiar, smiling I said in a playful tone "Can't take your eyes off me?". Without a moment of hesitation Ethan replied in full honesty "Only a blind man could ignore such perfection". I smiled and kissed his forehead before standing up and stretching.

"He wasn't normal you know" he didn't even have to tell me who he was talking about for me to know.

"I know, I don't think he was human. But I can't be sure what he is" I turned to face Ethan who was now sitting on the edge of the bed. I ran my hands gently through his hair.

"You won't see him again then master?" my hands stilled on his head and I frowned, Ethan looked up at me "Did I say something wrong?".

"There was just something about him, I can't get him out of my mind. Maybe he used magic on me.. But I wasn't able to sense anything" I caressed Ethan's face softly "I must see him again, maybe I can figure out what he is".

I grabbed my phone and arranged a date with Connor, he would be free in a couple days and we agreed to meet at a club downtown.

Ethan was sitting beside me reading my conversation, as I finished up he looked at me with determination "I won't let you go alone! We don't know what he is or if he's dangerous".

I squeezed Ethan's neck with my hand, he didn't resist as I choked him "Are you implying I can't care for myself?" He opened his mouth to reply but couldn't speak so I released his neck leaving a bright red mark.

He coughed a couple times, tears at the edge of his eyes "I would never imply such a thing master! Please forgive my impertinence!" he lowered his head and spoke in a low tone "I simply could not continue living if something happened to you and I wasn't there to protect you".

Looking at me pleadingly, his voice about to break "Please let me accompany you, I'll blend with the crowd and watch from afar".

"What if I decide to go to a hotel with him? What will you do then?" His eyes widened and was at a loss for words, he opened and closed his mouth a couple times trying to form words but eventually hung his head in defeat. I grabbed Ethan's chin and lifted his face, he was crying silently. I brought my face to his and licked away his tears "I'm sorry Ethan, I was just teasing. I didn't mean to make you cry. I know how you can stay with me".

Ethan's eyes brightened "Please tell me how!" His smile was so beautiful I couldn't help but smile back at him lovingly. Opening the drawer of the bedside table I pulled out a large ring box covered in red velvet.

Opening the box revealed two black rings, I pulled both of them out and set the box back in the drawer. I held one ring in each hand and began chanting an incantation, the rings burst into flames and red inscriptions began to appear on them. As soon as I finished the incantation the flames vanished.

Holding out my hand to give one of the rings to Ethan I noticed he was wide eyed and blushing, his cock was also completely hard and visibly leaking precum. He took the ring from my hand and began apologizing "I'm sorry for my current state master! I've just never seen you use that kind of magic and ... I couldn't.. ".

Placing one finger against his lips I made shushing sounds, my other hand moving down to his cock and smearing his precum on the head slowly. Ethan jumped and backed away "I am not worthy of your touch master" he let himself fall to his knees and bowed low "This lowly servant does not deserve to be pleasured by you". I sighed, he was always like this, in a way it was endearing but I didn't like him putting himself down like that.

"Rise" I ordered and Ethan stood. "Moving on then. These are powerful artifacts capable of binding any two creatures in multiple ways. For our purposes I have made them so that I can bind and unbind you to me wordlessly, you can also bind and unbind yourself to me freely"

Ethan's eyes widened "Master! This is... How could I possibly invade your body without your consent?".

"By giving you this ring I grant you consent from now until I take the ring from you" I placed the ring on my index finger and Ethan mimicked my action, "We should keep them on to get used to them and practice using them. Right now they're unbound and we can remove them freely but when we go meet Connor I'll bind them to our bodies for safety".

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