Chapter 5: Immune

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I walk behind the steward, everyone around seemingly asleep. We pass one set of curtains and he asks me to wait a moment as he crosses the second one. I have a good feeling about this so I make a decision, I turn off the vibrator, pull it out and wrap it in a handkerchief, shoving it back into my purse.

Moments later the young man returns and tells me to follow him. Once we're alone in the food and service area he speaks again in a hushed tone "We keep alcohol here, nobody really passes inventory on it so this should be fine" he reaches at a shelf grabbing a bottle of wine and a cup.

I lean in close to him pressing my breasts against his arm under the pretense of not wanting to raise my voice "My name is Alyssa, thank you for being so nice to me. You woke me up because you were concerned right? Can you tell me your name?", he is blushing again and wouldn't look at me "My name is Connor. The man beside you was staring at you in a creepy way and your clothes were... " he decides to stop talking and serve me a cup of wine instead.

I press my body against his and whisper in his ear "You're blushing Connor, you were blushing before too. But you're so respectful, you didn't look at me when my clothes were in disarray. Why are you avoiding looking at me now?"

Connor hands me the cup of wine and turns his head away to hide his blush, I sip at the wine while I wait for him to answer my question. It takes him some time to gather his courage, I finish the wine and put down the cup, he speaks timidly "I can see through your dress....".

I hug him from behind catching him by surprise, I nibble on his ear earning a whimper from him "If it's you I don't mind if you look". I pull away from Connor and circle around him so we stand face to face, this time he doesn't turn away even as he blushes. Slowly I slide down my shoulder straps letting my dress fall.

Connor is completely awestruck as he looks up and down my body. Then quickly turns his head away. "We can't, you're beautiful but we've just met and it wouldn't be right" he closes his eyes tightly, it seems the pheromones don't work on him, this is interesting. I put my dress back on "It's ok. I'm dressed now, you can open your eyes. I'm sorry for that, I guess I misread the signs".

The steward laughed nervously "I really do like you, it just wouldn't feel right doing it like this. But, if you'd allow me, I'd love to get to know you". I looked at him tenderly "I'd like that, you seem like a very sweet man. And you are very handsome" Connor blushed and pulled out his phone, I gave him my number and asked for his as well.

We chatted for a bit and I drank a couple more cups of wine, we didn't get into any personal talk and only discussed trivial matters. After a while he said I should return to my seat before anybody noticed he sneaked me back there, I gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked back to my seat.

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