Chapter 4: White knight

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Soon after the flight had taken off the lights were dimmed to allow passengers to sleep. Hank, still being a bundle of nerves, simply stared out the window. I decided to mess with him a bit and grabbed a magazine, after a few minutes I made a big show of yawning and stretching causing him to look my way. Wiggling my shoulders as I stretched I managed to get my dress straps to slide down slightly.

Then with a particularly showy stretch my dress slid down just enough to make it look like my breasts could pop out any second. Pretending not to notice I got more comfortable in my seat with my eyes closed, each movement causing the dress to slide a little lower. I pretended to fall asleep, good enough to tease him, so close to being to see everything but not quite there.

With the toy remote still in my hand I decided to increase the speed again to make the flight more interesting. This time I held back my voice but continuously squirmed in my seat, with my eyes closed I couldn't tell if Hank was staring anymore or not but I was feeling too good to care at the moment.

Suddenly a steward stopped beside me, clearing his throat. They don't usually wake up sleeping passengers so he's probably concerned about the state of my clothing and Hank's staring.

I open my eyes and look at the steward feigning sleepiness, he's blushing and trying very hard not to stare at my nearly exposed breasts. With how wet I am from the vibrator and from feelings so exposed my pheromones should drive the poor steward crazy, yet he seemed so calm.

"Can I offer you a blanket miss? You must be cold with that dress" I look down at the state of my clothes and pretend to be shocked and embarrassed, quickly fixing them "Oh my, I must have been moving around in my sleep. I'm so sorry you had to see that, this is so embarrassing. A blanket would be lovely"

He smiled softly and handed me a blanket, I touched his hand as I grabbed it, causing his blush to deepen. "I'm sorry, I'm just nervous. I'm scared of flying. You don't happen to serve alcohol on this flight do you? It would really help me relax". He looks at me apologetically making his boyish looks stand out even more, beautiful straight shoulder length red hair, pale skin and green eyes, no older than 24."I'm sorry miss we don't se-" he stops mid sentence and stares deeply at me, the pheromones clearly starting to work their magic on him. He looks around and bites his lip nervously then whispers "follow me".

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