The date

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I stood there dumfounded. What was this? some game to get me to open up or something?
Jacob guided me to the booth a way from the stares whispering
"Keep calm Chris"
I sat face to face with my therapist while Jacob scooped beside her and they locked fingers.
"Well hi Christina, how are you?" she asked.
I glared at her then replied ignoring her question
"How long has this been going on?" Then Jacob said
"Since your first therapy session, I stayed in touch with Jade to keep tabs on your progress and well things just...fell into place" he explained gazing into her eyes. She blushed a bright pink.
"Aren't you too old to be with my brother?" I asked with a dissaproving look.
"Christina!" My brother scold.
"I'm going to the ladies room" jade stated clearly offended.

As soon as she was out of hearing range Jacob stated
"I didn't have to carry you to meet her Chris so stop being so damn rude!" He shout whisperd. Just then we were interrupted by the waiter
"May I take your order please".
"One minute" Jacob replied. Then he left.
"Well maybe you shouldn't have brought me then! She's my therapist Jacob I don't want her any closer than that and its bad enough you think I have to see her every week I don't want to see her when I don't have to!" I finished. Just then the waiter was back.
"Ready now?" He asked.
"One minute!" I said a bit too harshly. He hurried and left.
" well whether you approve or not its my decision and I'll date whoever I want so what I don't want is your poor attitude and crappy excuses!" He said stern and angrily.
I could feel my blood boiling. He had no right to speak to me like that especially not because of another girl he just met.
"Well I'm sorry I'm such a big obstacle in your love life!" I screamed and again everyone was at me.
"May I PLEASE take your order" the waiter stated.
"One minute!" Me and jacob shouted in unison.
I got up then stormed out and I glanced sideways to see Jade with a sad expression on her face.

I exited the restaurant and the freezing air greeted me. I didn't know where to go Jacob drove us here but no way did I want to sew him now.
I set out on a walk down the street. After a few minutes a black SUV pulled up at the sidewalk beside me and the window slid down.

"Nick?" I asked.
"Get in Chris I need to talk to you" I didn't really want to talk to nick. It was frustrating enough knowing he forgot everything we had and fell for Angeline. So I wasn't so up for a discussion.
"I can't" I replied.

Just then out of the restaurant and running towards me was Jacob His eyes landed on mine then he shouted.
"Christina don't you dare-"
"On second thought" I said before running around the passengers seat. Nick opened the door, I hopped in then he sped off.
"What was that about?" He asked.
"Nothing" I said tracing loops in the window glass moisture quietly. Then he drove the rest of the way silently.
As of now I was at Nick's house, his parents were out on date night so it was just the two of us. Nick lent me an oversized tee and some baggy shorts. I took a quick shower and tied my hair in a ponytail.
"Hungry?" Nick asked as I entered the kitchen.
"Starving" I smiled.
"I made your favorite, Mac and cheese with sliced sausages" he announced.
"You remember?"I asked suprised
"Well...I kinda saw it in some photos and my mom reminded me" he said guiltily.
"Oh" I said slightly dissapointed.
He gave me a dish of steaming and mouth watering Mac and cheese, the smell was divine.
We both ate in comfortable silence and then I remembered just how much I missed his cooking. Filled, we both did the dishes then dived in his sofa.

"Why don't you like Angel?" He asked suddenly.
I wasn't in the mood to discuss angel or our relationship which was probably past relationship now.
"Who says I don't" I asked.
" wow why don't I walk in and slap you to the floor and glare at you with so much hatred if I like you" he said sarcastically.
It was true, it was just plain obvious I didn't enjoy her company.
I didnt want to take a trip down memory lane but he deserved to know.
"Well before your memory-...i mean your 'incident',well" I paused.
"Yes..." He said signalling me to continue
"We know....we were together"I finally said but he just looked at me.
"Well aren't you surprised?" I asked.
"Well I sorta guessed the first time when you were telling me how much you missed and loved me" he said with a grin.
"Jerk" I said grinning back.
"Anyways she knew that and yet still she..."
"Kissed me?" He finished.
"So you were jealous" he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.
"So that's the only reason?"
That wasn't the only reason. The situation with heather and her denial to it was one more reason to dispise her.
"Ummm...yes" I said smiling then quickly changed the subject.
"Movie?" I asked.
"Sure, what you have in mind" he asked. I went to the DVD cases and scanned through then went and put in 'The Fault In Our Stars'

"Really?" He asked
What?" I giggled innocently.
We sat their watching the movie and when I felt sleep taking over I leaned on his shoulder and he lifted his arm and wrapped around me so I snuggled in his chest.

We stayed like this for awhile and I felt safe in his strong arms, the place where I should be and no one else  and so for the first time In days I closed my eyes  and let  sleep consumed me.
So what ya think? Did I do a gud job or nah? Well next chapter will be Investigating time what will they find out?
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