dearly beloved

14 4 1

Christinas pov
"Wha-what? " I stammered,
"You dont seem suprised" she repeated
"What do you mean?" I asked nervously. She narrowed her eyes at me as if to get me to talk.
"Whats going on Chris? First we found you in bloomfield which is miles away from school which by the way was where you should have been and now your acting all weird when I break your best friend's death, I mean not one tear! Something is just not right" She finished. Everything she said was true and to be honest I didn't know what to tell her I was a terrible liar.
"Jennifer I..I have to ummm" I started to say then paused I didnt think I should trust her with such a huge secret and I wouldnt forgive myself if she cut me off too or worse ...tell everyone. I just I started to panick and as I was to tell her finally, my phone buzzed from the bedside table signifying I had recieved a new text. I smiled quickly mentally thanking God then got my phone. I read the text.
'We have to talk nowww its major important I mean life and death meet me at school on the field
I glanced at jennifer to see that she had her phone too,
"You got the text?" I asked seriously she nodded then pointed to some fresh clothes folded neatly on the couch then left. Life and death? I thought.....
I changed in the clothes I saw which was a black croptop marked swag in white cursive letters and some white ankle tights with a pair of combat boots she also left. I didnt have time to do hair so I just ran my fingers through it and left it down. Then I hurried down the stairs and on the counter was a plate of grilled cheese and a glass of apple juice. I think. I was starving but nick would be waiting and it sounded really important so I left and headed off to school.
The walk took about 15 minutes or so but finally I was here, I hurried to the field when to my suprise standing there was ric, bliss, jennifer and two other girls I wasn't too sure what there names were, one was meeka maybe or was it mayna? I just quickly walked over to the group.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.
"Nick told us to meet him here" the girl that was named M.. whatever replied and they all agreed.
"We've been waiting for like over 20 minutes and he's not even here" bliss said too and they also agreed to that.
Then I got to thinking, nick said it was really important and it was unlike him to keep us waiting, it didn't add up.
He wouldnt tell us to meet him here if he couldnt make it he would inform us if he changed his mind.
"So do you know where he is?" The other girl asked.
"No...I umm I don't and not to sound rude or anything but who are you?" I asked.
"My names cheyenne but you can call me mostly in the dance crowd since im the lead dancer for the schools dance crew" she finished. I smiled.
"Well im-"
"Christina" she cut me off saying.
"I know, everyone knows you " she said looking down. My smile widened.
"Ok." I replied. She was of chocolate complextion with brown eyes and straight black hair that was chin length, she also had a nice shape which was obviously showing becuse of her blue stud shorts and a red tank top, she also had on some red tennis shoes, overall she was...cute.
"Im maia" the other girl came up saying, I knew it was a M name I thought to myself.
"Hi" I said politely. She was pretty too. She had indian hair and deep almost burgundy coloured eyes. She had a complexion that indias had so she must be from indian descent she wore a floral dress and flats with little make up.
She smiled then I went back to thinking, finaaly I gave up, he just wasnt here. Heather and ric were over there holding hands and talking probably about the same thing.
" I guess he just didn't come" I said finally.
"Correction he came alright, look what I found over there" bliss said holding up a black beanie which I knew was nick's since I had it specially made for his 14th birthday which was 2 years ago, and there hand sewn were the initials N.C. on the front, I gasped. Now this was definately getting weird.
Angelines pov
I walked silently with my head hung low. I kicked the bottles or stones in my way just to pass the time. Finally I stopped and looked up to see the big sign
I walked into the place and surrounded by graves just began to count.
1,2,3,4,5....right.....1,2,3,4,5....straight.... left turn and then I look up at the old concrete grave that had dried leaves all over and it read.

March 19, 1998- December 5, 2014
I smiled and tears came. It had been one year and yet still it hurts as if it were yeaterday.
We laid under the blue starry skies our backs against the soft grass.
"Why would you want tulips on a grave" I laughed "what about roses?"
"Roses are too common, tulips symbolizes peace and a free spirit" I just smiled admiring his different view of things.
"promise me something?" He asked removing the short silence.
" anything" I replied.
"that youll never leave me" he said looking deep into my blue eyes his green ones looking glorious.
"Never" I said smiling
"I love you" he said before his hand came in mine our fingers locked and I said
"Forever and always" .
End of flashback
The last time I saw his beautiful face, and heard his loving voice. I just kneeled there and cried letting my tears fall on his beloved grave.
"Don't worry.......... they'll pay" I promised
I placed the lovely set of tulips on his grave then hugged my coat tighter and left.
Well lemme see #1 what happened to nick ahhhhh!!!
And now you know who kylan is but you dont kno what killed him and y she blames "them".
oh and poor poor angel she actually is like everyone else......jus trying to move on......
vote! Comment! Plllzzzzz im begging k? Yes im literally begging im on my knees. And trust me chris brown is life ehrm that was random but what can I say I love him ♥♡♥♡ tata for now!♥♡

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