Ark 1 Chapter 4 and 5

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Chapter 4:

Sam' Camaro started driving fast to get away from the giant Robot Cop Car, who was chasing after Sam's Camaro.

Sam started shouting at his Camaro to get him, Mikaela and his cousin away from that thing.

Sam: "Go go go"

The cop car was going to try and hit Sam's Camaro from the side,but the Camaro goes to both sides to avoid it, then Mikaela starts shouting because she is terrified and confused on what is happening right now

Mikaela: "Oh god, We're gonna die,We're gonna die"

Sam: "No We're not.No, we are not going to die

Mikaela looks out the window and turns around

Mikaela: "Oh my go!!!"

Sam: "Trust Me.He's a kick-ass driver"

Sam and Mikaela screamed, which then made Peter go backwards on his seat

Sam: "Oh my god! No!"

Sam's Camaro was heading straight towards a building

Sam: "We're gonna die"

The Camaro went through a glass window and was breaking stuff while driving still

Mikaela: "Oh my god"

Then Peter turned his head and saw his Porsche come out of no where and started driving with the Camaro

Peter: "My Porsche is here to now........Oh lord have mercy"

Both cars drifted and started driving away, but the cop car was still chasing them


It was nighttime and Sam's Camaro and Peter's Porsche were hiding from the cop car that is still chasing them, but they were hiding

Peter: "Omg, My Porsche is driving on it's own.....This is so cool"

Mikaela: "This is so not cool.......This is crazy"

Then, The Camaro locked it doors

Sam: "We're locked in"

Sam hit the wheel

Sam: "The car won't start...At least we ditched the monster right?

The cop car drove forward still looking for the Camaro and now the Porsche too

The 3 humans noticed the cop car and started getting worried, but then the cop car stop in It's place

Sam: "Ok"

The Camaro started turning it key"

Sam: "Time to start"

And then Camaro and Porsche went for it and went behind the cop car who started chasing them again.Then the Camaro drifter and threw out the 3 humans from inside it and started to transform the same way Sam saw the cop car transform, the same thing with Peter's Porsche, and then they both got into a fighting position

The three Humans got up seeing the cop car coming, transforming and launching itself to Sam's Camaro and Peter's Porsche, fighting them both, but them, a small robot came out of the Cop car and started chasing the 3 humans, making them run away.

As Sam's Camaro and Peter's Porsche were fighting the cop car, the mini boy came and swung at Sam's legs, making him fall down

Sam: "He's got me! Oh god!"

The mini robot jumped onto Sam

Sam tried to crawl away, but then got pulled back towards the Mini robots

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