Ark 3 Chapter 9 & 10

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(With Carly)

Carly: "They said they were here for our resources,to rebuild their planet"

Dylan: "Yes,but really one resource in particular. One unique to our planet"

Carly then realizes

Carly: "Us"

Dylan and Carly then steps out of the elevator

Dylan: "Your very smart. You see they can't rebuild without a slave labor force. How many rocks up there in the universe offer six billion workers?"

Carly: "What are you talking about? We can't transport people"

Dylan: "They're not shipping people. They're shipping their planet here"

Dylan grabs Carly and walks to another high part of the building Their on......With Carly seeing Sentinel

Carly: "Oh my god. What's Sentinel doing here"

Dylan: "Watch. They're spreading hundreds of pillars around the globe right now. In just a few hours,they're gonna launch 'em Into orbit and Bring Cybertron into our atmosphere. The red on there controls the rest.He triggers that,it starts the whole thing"

Megatron: "Begone, insect operative. Your work is done"

Dylan: "Your excellency. He's such a dick"

Dylan grabs Carly, walking away with her

Carly: "You want this to happen"

Dylan: "I want to survive. I want 40 more years. You thing I asked for this. I inherited a client"

Carly: "Yeah and when Cybertron's here and we're all their slaves,I guess they'll still need a human leader"

Dylan: "Don't jinx me. You want to survive? You listen to me

Peter then flys up towards Sentinel and Megatron

Megatron: "Ah,SpeedBreaker, How nice of you to join us"

Peter: "The AutoBots are gone. Now, the cure"

Megatron: "Of course. All you need to do is have one of the AutoBots create the same substance I inject into you"

Peter freezes in his place

Megatron: "Oh right,You can't, because their dead. Now all you will have to do...Is obey"

Peter hears Obey continuously in his head,until his eyes turn red

Peter: "Yes...My lord"

Sentinel: "It Is time for the slaves of earth to recognize their masters. Seal off the city"

Multiple shots and screams get heard in the city of Chicago

Peter: "Oh how I love the scream of horror"

Carly's POV

Carly and Dylan look outside seeing Decepticons literally Killing lots of innocent lives

Carly: "I guess they didn't tell you about this part, did they"

Dylan: "You think I'm in every meeting...Look,I'm safe. They said I'm safe


Sam's POV

Sam,Epps, and Epps friends gets out of the cars, seeing Chicago. Everything destroyed. Seeing People run for survival.

Epps runs up to a broken piece of a building, seeing Chicago looking like a wasteland

Epps: "We came here to find them in the middle of all that"

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