Ark 4 Chapter 6

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(Later in the chapter, there will be a lemon, so this is a warning)

Cade was outside,while Shane was inside,with Peter,Clara,Rose,and Tessa were asleep.

Cade was thinking about earlier,when Tessa and Peter had guns to their heads

Cade: "They were willing to kill Tessa and Peter"

Shane: "Then they still are"

Cade walks back inside the gas station, going to the drone he grabbed earlier

Cade: "Somebody somewhere gave that order. I'm going to find some fingerprints"

Cade started to do some work on the drone to see if anything helpful can be of assistance

The Drone was hooked up to a small monitor,Where it turned on and started showing footage of the agents shooting at the AutoBot knows as Leadfoot

Cade: "Oh shit"

(In the morning)

Cade woke Everyone up to start having them do some things

Cade: "Grab whatever you think we can use for supplies. Clothes,anything. And take that computer"

As everyone collect some stuff, they went outside, seeing Optimus,Jazz, and the Arcee sisters.

Clara: "Jazz, do you mind if we can put some of this stuff inside your trunk"

Jazz: "Yeah, sure,go ahead"

Clara and Rose went to Jazz's back trunk to put in the things they have

Rose: "Hope this doesn't bother you Jazz"

Jazz: "Please,it won't"

Clara & Rose: "If you say so then"

Jazz closed his trunk,letting Clara and Rose walk towards the Arcee Sisters. Clara going on Elita, and Rose going on Chromia, while Tessa,Shane,and Cade go into Optimus, with Peter going to Jazz

Optimus,Jazz,and the Arcee sisters drove towards a Souvenir shop that has an ATM because Cade wanted to check something

Cade then starts flying the drone to the ATM, turning it and sliding his card inside,seeing that his Account is Locked

Cade: "I knew it"

Peter: "Well that's just great"

Soon, the 6 humans heard Police sirens in the distance,seeing Police cars coming to the Shop

Later on the Drive,Optimus radioed in to see if any AutoBots would hear him, but while he does that, a Semi-Truck drives by the three AutoBots, which Optimus scanned, transforming into an upgraded and better version from the semi-truck he was before

As Optimus,Jazz, and the Arcee Sister drove up to a stopping point,3 other AutoBots came into the same point

Crosshairs: "Mr.Leader of the Free Galaxy is back. I knew you'd make it. I never doubted"

Drift: "We got your Warning. We've been waiting"

Hound: "Hell ,yeah. Boom time. We got the gang back together"

As the 6 humans we're getting off the AutoBots they were inside, another AutoBot was walking from behind a hill, towards the point everyone else they are at.

Peter & Clara: "Bumblebee"

Soon,Optimus,Jazz,And the Arcee Sisters Transformed into their Bi Pedal forms

Optimus: "Humans have asked us to play by their rules. Well,the rules have just changed"

Hound: "Human Beings,bunch of backstab in' weasels"

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