Ark 2 Chapter 1 and 2

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Peter was out on a drive with NightLock.NightLock wanted to go out and explore the city since it was re built after the battle. Peter was eating something he made while inside NightLock. Peter has also been keeping in contact with Optimus.

Optimus is out on a mission trying to find any other Decepticons and destroy them. Optimus has told Peter about the other AutoBots that have joined the team.

NightLock: "Hey Peter,what do you wanna do right now"

Peter: "I don't know, what do you wanna do"

Peter then felt his powers tingle him

Peter: "NightLock, get back to the house, Now"

NightLock: "You got it,Hold on tight"

NightLock speeds through the city and reaches the neighborhood where he lives with his Cousin

As they both reach the house, they Peter's family outside the front of the house as he steps out of NightLock

Peter walks up to Sam and Mikaela,noticing Mikaela in a dress.

Peter: "Woah,Mikaela you look Great in that dress"

Mikaela: "Thanks"

Sam: "Peter you have your stuff"

Peter uses his Magic and brings out the boxes he has, because he is going with Sam to College. Peter told NightLock that he was going to college with Sam and he accepted it.

Peter: "How did Bumblebee take it"

Sam: "He was not happy"

Peter: "Figured, we'll anyways I will meet you at the college"

Sam: "Meet you there"

Sam and Peter hugged Each Other

Peter then teleports to the college and walks to the dorm area's to find his dorm

Peter: "Ok,Let's decorate this Room"

* a couple minutes Later*

Peter had finished decorating his Side of the Dorm and started just watching some videos on his computer, when someone came through the Door. Peter looks behind him seeing a Female enter the room, possibly his roommate.

Peter: "Hey There"

Clara: "Hi are you Peter Erickson Witwicky"

Peter: "Yes I am, and I believe you are Clara Marie Lopez"

Clara: "That would be me"

Peter: "Welcome to the dorm"

Clara looks at Peter's side of the dorm

Clara: "Wow I like your side of the room"

Peter: "Thanks,Um,Do you need help with bringing your stuff in"

Clara: "That would be most helpful"

Peter: "Then Let's go"

* another couple minutes pass by*

Peter helped Clara get set in her side of the dorm and they both started talking about each other and things they like to do.

Clara: "Thanks for your help Peter"

Peter: "No problem"

Someone then knocks on the door, which then Peter and Clara look behind seeing Sam

Peter: "Sam"

Sam: "Hey Peter"

Peter: "Oh Hey,This is My Roommate Clara,Clara this is my cousin Sam Witwicky"

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