Ark 4 Chapter 1 & 2

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Chapter 1:

Ever Since the Battle of Chicago, Everything was going to be ok, until......Humans turned their backs on the AutoBots. Now The AutoBots are being hunted down,Including Peter,Clara, and Peter's Newborn daughter,Rose.

Sam and Carly had left to the state of California, and now live there, with Ron and Judy. Mikaela hasn't really been seen a lot, but Peter does call her sometimes.

Since Peter,Clara, and Rose are being hunted down, Peter and Clara decided to hide their Identities and change their names to Orion and Lana,Rose kept her name the way it is, but she also has made a new friend during the time. Her name is Tessa Yeager.

Tessa's father,Cade Yeager, is also Pet—Orion and Lana's boss, so whenever he's out, their with him, along with their other friend Lucas.

Right Now, Orion and Lana are driving to meet with Cade at an old abandoned Theater. Orion drives a Silver 935 Porsche, and Lana likes driving on her 916 Purple Motorcycle, but the thing is that the Porsche and Motorcycle are Jazz and Elita, so Orion and Lana had to make sure they don't transform during the day, but they can transform in the night since Everyone would be asleep.

As Orion and Lana pull up to a parking spot, they see Cade's truck

Orion: "I can't keep doing this"

Jazz: "What's up Pete"

Orion: "Having to use Disguised names. It's literally hurting me, and knowing the fact the AutoBots are being hunted down...I have been without Optimus for so long and taking Care of Rose by myself"

Jazz: "You don't always take care of Rose by yourself Peter, Sometimes you have Clara or Cade come help you, heck when you met Cade he promised that he will help you take care of Rose"

Orion: "I know Jazz, it's just hard after these years"

Jazz: "Yeah,I know, Now go help out Cade and Lucas"

(With Lana and Elita)

Lana takes off her helmet, shaking her head a bit, and setting the helmet down

Elita: "Clara,are you alright, you seem down"

Lana: "Not Really Elita, I hate having to use a disguised name. Plus,it's already hard for me to help take care of you and your sisters"

Elita: "Don't worry, We're gonna get through this together. Now go and help Cade"

Lana climbs off Elita, while Orion gets out of Jazz, walking towards Cade

Cade: "Hey guys,Glad you came"

Lana: "Yeah"

Orion: "Where's Lucas"

The 3 of them heard rock music, turning their heads and seeing Lucas

Orion: "I spoke too soon"

Cade: "Oh,Look who decided to show up for work"

Orion and Lana moved away from Cade's door to let him come out

Lana then grabs Cade's stuff from his truck

Lana: "Here you go Cade"

Cade: "Thanks Lana"

After Lana hands Cade his stuff, They start walking towards Lucas, with Orion behind them

Cade: "What,Surf report no good at South Padre"

Lucas: "The waves are flat and I got no gas. You know that Cade"

Lucas stops because a truck comes out of nowhere and drives in front of him

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