Ark 4 Chapter 4 & 5

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Chapter 4:

Cade and Lucas were outside, walking to Lucas's car

Cade: "Go to the hardware store and you get the list. The whole list"

Lucas: "What. You're trying to fix him. He's not a model train set Cade"

Cade: "No,that's right. He's Important"

Lucas: "Yeah,but important to who. You can't keep an alien locked up in your barn. What are you gonna do, play with him"

As Cade and Lucas continued to talk Outside, Orion stayed inside the Barn, with Lana outside with Tessa

Orion had his back faced towards Optimus,thinking he would remember him, until Optimus spoke

Optimus: "Your name was Orion,Correct"

Orion turned around,looking at Optimus

Orion: "Yes"

Optimus: "You seem to remind me of someone"

Orion: "Who would that be"

Optimus: "My Sparkmate..Peter Erickson Witwicky, also known as SpeedDrifter"

Orion: "Did he"

Optimus: "Die? I don't know. We were separated after being attacked by Humans. I don't know if he is alive"

Orion looked down at the ground, before he started floating a bit off the ground

Orion: "Well,he's Very much alive"

Optimus sees Orion Floating, which makes him think

Optimus: "Peter"

Peter: "Hello Optimus"

Optimus activated his Holoform, walking towards Peter

Optimus: "Is it really You"

Peter: "Indeed"

Optimus: "What about Clara, is she alive"

Peter: "Yes, do you recall when Cade said Lana"

Optimus: "Yes"

Peter: "Well, Clara is Lana"

Optimus: "I am pleased to know she is Alive..What about our Daughter"

Rose: "I'm right here"

Optimus and Peter turned their heads,Looking at Rose

Optimus: "Rose"

Rose: "Hello,Dad"

Rose walked towards Optimus

Optimus: "Your so big"

Rose: "Magic of Aging"

Optimus: "Your magic has developed"

Rose: "Indeed"

Optimus: "I am glad you,Peter, and Clara were never killed"

Optimus pulled Rose and Peter into a hug, which they returned

Optimus pulls away, grabbing Peter by his hips and smashing his lips to his, kissing him passionately

Peter yelped a bit, but soon melted into the kiss

Rose: "oh and Dad. I hope you don't mind Dad having a second Sparkmate"

Optimus pulled away from the kiss

Optimus: "Pardon"

Rose: "You see, When Peter thought you were probably killed, He got into a relationship with Cade last night"

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