Ark 2 Chapter 7 and 8

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Chapter 7:

Peter was flying in the sky, until he sees his cousin, Mikaela,and Clara running to where flares were shot into the sky.

Sam: "We still have a mile that way"

Peter: "Oh Sammy, Just you wait, you'll never bring back Optimus"

Sam, Mikaela, and Clara continue to run, until the ground shakes

Mikaela: "What the hell was that"

Sam: "I don't know"

Peter: "Maybe it was me"

Sam, Mikaela, and Clara turn around seeing Peter

Sam: "Peter?"

Peter: "Hello, Samuel"

Peter puts his hands out, with his hands forming two orbs, while Mikaela notices Peter's eyes red

Mikaela: "Guys,His Eyes are red, run,Run"

Peter shoots out the orbs, but The other 3 humans manage to move before they got hit

Peter: "Go on,Run....I've been wanting to chase something"

Sam: "What did they do to him"

Clara: "Remember that Acid and Metal that was injected into him"

Mikaela: "You don't think"

Clara: "Yes....He is being Controlled, the only way to snap him out, is to bring him close to Optimus and Maybe it would snap the control out of him"

Sam: "Or maybe we try talking to him, and mention Optimus to him"

Peter: "Am I interrupting something"

Clara: "Let's just run"

(With Megatron and Starscream)

Starscream: "Master,Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but The Soldiers have brought the body of prime"

Megatron: "The boy must already have the Matrix with him. We must not let him revive Optimus....Decepticons, begin our assault"

Clara: "Guys look, something is falling from the sky"

Peter: "Decepticons"

Sam,Mikaela, and Clara turn around seeing Peter

Peter: "They are only coming for one thing"

Peter points at Sam

Sam: "Me"

Peter: "You have the matrix, Now just hand it over, and there won't be a problem"

Sam: "Peter listen, Your being controlled by Megatron, he wants you to become a Decepticon. Deep down you know you don't want that"

Peter: "You don't even know what I want"

Mikaela: "Of course we do...We know what you want"

Clara: "What you to be with Optimus Prime"

Peter freezes in his place

Peter: "O-O-Optimus Prime"

Sam: "Yes,Optimus Prime. He is your boyfriend. He loves you. He is dead, but with the Matrix, we can bring him back. You can still be with him"

Mikaela: "He loves you Peter and you Love him"

Clara: "Remember the good memories you had with Optimus. The first kissed you had with him"

Peter holds his head and goes on his knee's, his eyes switching from Red to Black, screaming in pain. Until his eyes turn back to back

Sam sees him about to fall over and his his head, so he runs and catches Peter

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