Ark 3 Chapter 1 and 2

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Chapter 1:


Peter was in the training room, Practice his magic shooting, in case of Anything Happening, like a Decepticon attack


Peter: "Oh Boy, this is a lot of training...Maybe I should take a break"

IronHide: "No breaks SpeedDrifter, you need to be at your best"

Peter sighed turning around seeing IronHide

Peter: "IronHide,I have at this Training for while, Sometimes a Techno-Organic needs a break"

IronHide: "No, If Decepticons come and you get striked down, you would not have trained hard Enough. Keep Going"

Peter clenched his fist together and walked towards IronHide

Peter: "Listen Here IronHide. I have been at this for a while, I am tried. I need a break, your not my Father ok. Whether you like it or not, I am done. Actually,I am done. I'm done"

Peter started walking towards the door

IronHide: "Where are you going"

Peter: "I'm...Leaving"

Peter exited through the door and goes to his room, going into his Human form,packing his stuff because he is going to find his Cousin

He then heard a knock on the door

Peter: "Come in"

Optimus: "Peter, what is this"

Peter turns around seeing Optimus in his HoloForm

Peter looks back closing his Suitcase

Peter: "IronHide thinks I'm not pushing Myself on my training and he is getting on my nerves. Which is why I can't stay here. He will be probably getting on my ass a lot and so,I'm gonna stay with my cousin for now"

Optimus: "If that's what you want, I won't stop you from Leaving, but stay safe"

Peter gets up from the ground, pulling his suitcase on four wheels and grabs his backpack

Peter: "Radio me some time"

Optimus: "Of Course I will"

Optimus walked forward,kissing Peter on his lips

Peter kisses back, putting his arms around Optimus Neck, with Optimus putting his hand on Peter's hips, deepening the kiss

They both Pull Apart, looking into each other's

Peter: "I love you Optimus"

Optimus: "I love you..SpeedDrifter"

Peter then grabbed his suitcase teleporting to where his cousin would be

(With Sam)

Sam was in bed sleeping, when he heard Carly's Voice

Carly: "My hero needs to wake up"

Sam then woke up turning seeing Carly, his new girlfriend, holding a stuffed bunny in her hand

Sam: "What is that"

Carly: "This is your new lucky Bunny"

Carly tosses the Bunny to Sam

Sam: "It's a Beautiful Thought,Carly, but I don't think it's the whole, uh,bunny that's lucky, you it's just this section here. You see, it's just the Rabbit foot that's lucky"

Carly climbs onto the bed, going onto her knee's

Carly: "Well,It's just a good-luck charm.Help you think positive? Today's Important. C'mon get up. Hey, wear that nice tie"

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