Ark 3 Chapter 7 and 8

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Chapter 7:

Sam ran back to his apartment, thinking Carly should be back.

As he enter the apartment, He doesn't see Carly anywhere

Sam: "Carly"

Sam then runs back outside,going to his Parents Bus, entering inside

Sam: "Mom,Dad, have you guys seen Carly Come home yet"

Judy: "Excuse me,can you knock, please? This is our bedroom"

Ron: "Why wouldn't she be at home"

Sam: "We had a fight and...We might have broken up or be on a break. I don't really know"

Judy: "What?! No! You got to be kidding me!"

Sam: "Look,I can't talk about it right now. I can't go into the details. I have to find her"

Judy: "Sit down! We're havin' a family meeting! Family Meeting. You may not know this, but Your father and I were not always this Perfectly happy. You know, there was a time in our marriage when I thought this was not gonna work out"

Sam: "Can we please not"

Ron: "She's Damaging him"

Judy: "I'm just trying to understand. You break up with on world-class hottie"

Sam: "No,Stop,Stop,Ok. She dumped me,I moved on to somethin' better. That's it. I'm a happier person"

Sam looks at his father

Sam: "Why don't you help me?"

Ron: "They had an argument"

Sam: "One fight"

Judy: "You're not gonna get a third one. I mean,unless you have,like, a big"

Sam: "What The F...Ma! Mom,Mom"

Judy: "Just Don't know, what you're doin"

Sam: "I don't want to talk about this"

Judy: "You need the book"

Ron: "You're always wrong. Get used to it"

Judy walks to one of the cupboards and grabs a book

Judy: "Ok,This. You got to read this. She comes first. There's some killer shit in this"

Sam: "No,No,No"

Ron: "Oh,That's it,I'm goin"

Sam and Ron get up, only to sit back down by Judy

Judy: "Sit down! Sit down! Back me up"

Ron: "Happy wife,Happy Life"

Judy: "Fuck,Yeah"

Ron: "Unhappy Wife,Stone-cold misery for the rest of your..."

Judy: "Stop"

Ron: "It's true"

Judy: "All I'm sayin' is, do you love this girl"

Sam: "She's the one. Like how Optimus is the one for Peter"

Judy: "Then you gotta go get her. I mean, your dad and I, when we had troubles,he...He moved heaven and earth to find me. Guess what he...Say what you said. Say it."

Ron: "I will follow you to the end of time....Does that suck or what...I mean,it's like a bad sci-fi film"

Judy: "No,it was sweet"

Sam: "I want you to get out of the city. You get as far away from here as you can. You understand. I love you"

(With Peter)

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