Ark 5 Chapter 2

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Peter walks to his computer and opens it,setting up his webcam equipment and turning it on

He goes to the webcam website in his computer and joins a webcam meeting,seeing his daughter Rose and Step-daughter,Tessa

Rose: "Hey Dad"

Peter: "Hey Kiddo...How's College"

Rose: "I'm getting through it"

Peter chuckles

Peter: "Hey Tess"

Tessa: "Hey Peter"

Peter: "How are you doing"

Tessa: "I'm holding up good"

Peter smiles

Tessa: "How's my dad doing"

Peter: "He's doing alright. You have no idea how badly he wants to see you right now"

Tessa: "I bet. I really miss him. It's hard knowing that I not only have a limited time to talk to him on the phone,but he is being hunted down"

Rose: "Yeah,it's not the greatest thing that we wanted to happen,and yet it did"

Peter: "Hey,How's Shane"

Tessa: "He's good. He became a racer recently and he has a total of 10 wins so far. It's amazing"

Peter: "That's cool"

Rose: "Dad,Is Cade there with you"

Peter: "Yeah,he's behind the camera"

Rose looks at Tessa

Tessa: "Dad,although I can't see you. At least you're able to hear me. You have been the best father I could've ever had. And now with Peter as my Step-Father,I could have never asked for anything else.I want you to know, that I will always love you"

Peter looks up from the Camera,towards Cade

Cade gives Peter a written piece of paper and shows it to Tessa,which says "I Love you Too Tessa, -Cade"

Tessa smiles and a bit of tears started to fall off her eyes

Rose: "Well,we gotta go dad,different time zone, and honestly,me and Tessa are ready to go to sleep"

Tessa: "Yeah,we are"

Peter: "Good night girls"

Rose ends her webcam session,with Peter doing the same

Peter looks up at Cade

Peter gets up and walks towards Cade,hugging him from behind

Peter: "It's ok"

Cade turns around,looking at Peter

Cade: "You really know how to comfort me"

Peter smiles and leans in to kiss Cade,with Cade doing the same

Peter: "Gotta head home to clean it up"

Cade: "Ok,be quick"

Peter: "Right"

Peter snaps his finger and teleports to his home in New York and finds it a mess

Peter: "Oh my,this is messy"

Peter thinks then he gets an idea

Peter using his voice to echo it to bring some animals to come help with the cleaning

As he waits,he sits down and reads a book for a bit until some animals came

There were Rats,Birds, Cockroaches,and flies

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