Ark 2 Chapter 5 and 6

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Chapter 5:

Megatron and Starscream fly and land on top of a building, with Megatron dropping Peter out of him.

Megatron: "That went well"

Starscream: "We've lost the boy,Master. The
AutoBots must be shielding their signals"

Megatron: "I can't even rely on you to swat a simple insect"

Starscream: "One insect among seven billion"

Megatron: "Shut up"

Starscream: "He could be anywhere"

Megatron: "Then we will force them to find him for us. It's time for the world to know of our presence. No more disguises. No mercy. The time has come for my Masters Arrival"

Peter hears Megatron and Starscream speaking, but Walks and sits on the edge of the building he is on top of.

Peter: "Sam, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not going with you"

Song: "Speechless By Naomi Scott (Part 1)


Here comes a wave meant to wash me away
A tide that is taking me under
Broken again, left with nothing to say
My voice drowned out in the thunder

But I can't cry, and I can't start to crumble
Whenever they try to shut me or cut me down

I can't stay silent
Though they want to keep me quiet
And I tremble when they try it
All I know is I won't go speechless

Peter starts Forming some tears, but wipes them away.

Megatron: "Poor,Little Human, It's a shame That I took you away from your cousin, but It's something I don't regret."

Peter gets up and glares at Megatron, walking away and sitting on another edge

(Meanwhile with Sam,Mikaela,Leo,and Clara)

Sam walks into the area he is staying at and walks towards Mikaela hugging her

Mikaela: "There's nothing that you could have done"

Sam: "You okay"

Mikaela: "Yeah"

Sam walks towards Bumblebee

Sam: "Bee,if you hate me I understand"

Bee looks away from Sam

Sam: "I messes up.I'm sorry"

Bumblebee speaks through the radio

Bumblebee: "Young fella,You are the person I care about most in my life. If there's anything you need, I won't be far away"

Sam: "He's dead because of me, He came here to protect me and he's dead, and now I lost My Cousin. Taken away from. The person who I was supposed to protect, kidnapped"

Bumblebee: "There's some thing you just can't change. So his sacrifice for us would not have been in Vain. Hallelujah!!"

Sam: "I'm gonna make it right, I'm golfing to turn myself in"

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