Never Have I Ever

495 15 2

TW: commitment issues


"Spencer. I am not going to be able to keep this job!" I said as he closes his door.
"Mena, relax what is going on? You were perfectly fine when we were upstairs, what happened all of a sudden?" He looks concerned like he doesn't know what I am talking about, maybe nobody noticed how Emily and I are with each other, how much she hates me and how much I hate her.
"About Emily, God that women is so infuriating along with many other things, I can't be liable for the things I might say while drinking. I will say something that will either make her upset or wanting to fire me." I frantically spewed at him. I am not ready for this what so ever.
"Woah, I know how you feel about Emily but you will need to play nice because she is your boss now, also she was totally staring at you when you were working." Spencer spoke calmly, which i dont know how he did.
"Yea, you're right. I just don't want her to think that I am actually trying to be her friend, that would be even worse then just being mutuals." I was scared she would notice me being nice to her and think that I am going to forget how much of a bitch she was to me when she first joined the group.
"Just talk to her, don't try to put in a bunch of effort, just be friendly enough." Spencer seemed to solve all my problems. Now he needed to solve my fashion problems. I need to wear something that isn't like I am trying too hard but I also don't want to look like I am not trying. I wanted casual but also cute. Spencer will have to deal with my indecisiveness!

Once we got back to my house it was a whirl wind of what to wear. I was flipping through clothes left and right to try to figure out what to wear. I wanted to wear something I don't wear to work but also not something I wear around my house. I decided on, just a simple black cropped long sleeve where the sleeves flair out on the end. Then a simple pair of straight leg mom jeans that have rips in just the knees, and then my chocolate brown hightop converses. The converses made me at least an inch and a half taller, but still no where near as tall as Emily... That women is naturally tall, I saw her heels, they were probably only an inch or two tall. Spencer just wore the same clothes even though I offered to drive him to his house. He decided he would just stay the night at my house and be the driver back so I can drink since it is my party after all, as Derek said. I still can't believe I am even entertaining this idea. I just am waiting for the shots of liquid courage at the bar.

Once we arrived we were the last ones to arrive, since I did take forever to change my outfit, but I really didn't feel like getting harassed by wearing a skirt in a bar. Emily's eyes widen when she saw me, almost as if she saw something we liked but I wasn't wearing anything revealing or anything nice. But my goodness was she looking amazing, she was wearing these loose fitting leather pants and a red tank top... a red... tank top that made her breasts look amazing. She was wearing these black pointed heels that made her even taller, does she even need the height or just likes making everyone feel short?! I would be like a pebble next to her. Oh my god, no she is my boss and I hate her, remember she is a bitch.

We walk over to go say hello to everyone and get me a couple of shots before I start talking to anyone. After about 1 and a half shots of  tequila, the other half spencer took from me because a guy just hit on him and he wanted to go back but needed something fast, which I didn't mind but damn. I was already tipsy from the 1 and a half shots, granted I was short and petite, so technically I was a lightweight, although I don't care to admit it. I was about ready to order another when I felt someone's hand on my lower back, it scared the living daylights out of me. But it was a girl that has been checking me out since I walked into the bar, she was pretty attractive and kind of my type and she has to be around 4 inches taller, definitely a nice body. I wonder what she is like in bed.

"Hey, my name is Rosa,I just wanted to tell you that you look... Gorgeous... What are you drinking, I can get your next round or drink." Rosa stated, she almost bashfully but also with confidence at the same time.
"Uhh, thanks you don't look too bad yourself." I say with a small flirty wink. God was this tequila kicking in a little too soon. "I am just getting another shot of tequila and then a tequila sunrise to take back over to the table..." I am kind of weird about drinking so much.
"Can we get two shots of tequila, a tequila sunrise and a scotch on the rocks." She said to the bartender. Once she came back with our drinks, I quickly downed the shot not waiting for Rosa and I grabbed my drink to take a sip. She smirked at me and I felt a boost of confidence as she took her shot, she started shamelessly flirting with me for a few. I felt someone's eyes on me and I look over Rosa's shoulder to see Emily's eyes flicking between Rosa and I. She seems upset almost like she is jealous someone else is flirting with me so I put my arm on Rosa's shoulder and laugh at her joke she just said. Then I look back at her and ask something that will definitely piss off Emily.

 (Emily Prentiss x OC) WILL NEVER BE FINISHED Where stories live. Discover now