It Ends Here

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TW: nothing new, talk about her past, and about the case sorryyyyy


I hop in the shower while Emily blow drys her hair in the same bathroom, I take ice cold showers after runs, it helps calm me down after it. Emily came in after I was already in the shower. I have my hair in a messy bun since I am not washing it, but I wash my face and body quickley since I had taken more time then I thought at Mrs. Cortes house. I turn the shower off and grab my towel before exiting, drying my body off before exiting, not wanting to just walk around naked infront of Emily. She was done blowdrying her hair and started applying makeup to her already perfect face.

"You don't even need any makeup, why do you wear it?" I ask her while she applies mascara to her lashes.

"I could ask you the same question, your face is flawless so why do you wear it?" My face blushes so hard and all she does is let out a low cuckle.

"Toche" I say before going into the room to get changed. I put on a pair of dark brown dress pants and a light brown high neck halter tank top that is cropped, it sits right above my pants not showing too much of my stomach. Then I pair it with a white long jacket that matches my pants and a pair of heeled pointed boots that match my top. I put on gold jewelry and my lucky necklace that I wear everyday, the one with the ring that I got on my 15th birthday.

I head to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup, but first I brush my teeth and then apply my skincare to my face. I settled on putting my hair in a loose french braid and pulling out strands everywhere to curl and then doing a light natural makeup look. I do my finishing touches and then I grab my bag and head out, Emily has my brothers all ready and they have their suitcases packed.

"Uhm, get them in the car while I check out?" I say.

"Ok Birdie." She says as she kisses my cheek.

"Birdie? Since when did you start calling me that again." I say with a smile but tilting my head to the side in confusion.

"I used to call you that, for the longest time don't even. You loved it." She was right and I just blushed hard at it. Emily used to call me it when she first joined the team but then things turned sour and I never thought she would call me it again.

Once we are all situated she takes us all to my apartment, I have to get my car to bring my grandparents and parents to the BAU to put them in protective custody. I told her to head straight to the BAU and that I would just meet her there with them. She seemed hesitant but eventually nodded her head and she let me go. I walked up and explained everything to my parents and they started to get packing while I helped my grandparents.

I got everyone loaded up and we took off to the BAU. I guided them upstairs to Emily's office and I waited a second and knock.

"Come in." I hear her say.

"Prentiss?" I say while opening the door.

"Ok, let's get everything situated, this is the person who will be assigned to your family." Emily said while gesturing to a male standing in front of me.

"Hello I am SSA Jacobs." He said while shaking my hand. He is about 6 feet tall, almost a whole foot taller than me without my heels.

"How long have you worked for the company?" I ask. I want someone who is experienced and knows what they are doing.

"I have worked with the company for 7 years, I have worked for the CIA for 2, and the BAU for 3 years as well. I know what I am doing Ma'am. Your family is in good hands." He states. I feel a lot more comfortable and my shoulders visibly relax.

"Ok, you lose one, one dies or gets injured you will die. You understand me?" I say as I look him dead in the eyes with my face deadpanning. He just nods and gulps, it is funny how much of an effect I have on people, and how some are even scared of me. Emily just gives me death glares, we will definitely be talking about how I threatened another agent's life...

 (Emily Prentiss x OC) WILL NEVER BE FINISHED Where stories live. Discover now