Figured It Out

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TW: kidnapping, blood, drug abuse, cutting, beating, uhhhh dying, i don't really know what all to say, sorry babes :)


I need to end this all now, if I just help him. Everything will be over. He will leave my family alone and leave the team alone. What I never told anyone was what was in the letters he sent me and what was in the package. There was one delivered this morning that I didn't tell Emily about and it was the worst one of them all.

Dear X,

I know you have found my little gifts for you. Think of them as warnings, the bodies, the dead, the people who couldn't get out like you. Their blood is on your hands. You caused it all. I am coming after your family and your team. Who should I start with first? Maybe Leo or Mateo, I haven't met them yet have I? Or Diego, him and I go way back. Or should your grandparents and parents be first? Get the big guns out of the way. Or... What about that Agent Emily Prentiss and Doctor Spencer Reid that you are so fond of. I bet they would love to find out who you really are. The people you have helped kill, or clean up after they were killed, the babies you have helped bring into this world. Everything. How would they feel knowing the real you? Knowing how much you liked it all. How you finally submitted to who you really are? They would hate you, they would see you as the disgusting nobody you really are. Meet me at our spot, I will stop targeting them if you face me. After all, we are meant to be.


In the package was a mini bouquet of baby's breath, hoary stock, cockscomb, gladiolus and chrysanthemums. They are to be put on graves and everywhere for the day of the dead. He is telling me that I am to meet my destiny of death soon enough. I can accept it. As long as the team and family are safe. Everything will be ok.

I walk out of the big clear doors and head to the staircase, not wanting to be caught at the elevator door. I head to my apartment first, I grab out my personal gun and my old burner phone. I change into a pair black skinny jeans and put on my gun holster on it while I put on a bulletproof vest then I black long sleeve button up of Emily's that she left here. It still smelled like her... I can't be distracted by this right now. I put on my leather jacket and I put on a pair of my all black air forces, I need to be on top of my game if I am going to try to kill him. I grab my burner phone and put it in my pocket and zip it up. I make sure my gun isnt noticable as I grab my helmet and I head downstairs to my bike.

I am almost there when I feel my phone start to ring. I pulled over to a gas station and by the time I pulled over it stopped ringing but it was from an unknown number. No one had this number, I was going to call 911 once I killed him. Whoever it was left a voicemail.

"Ximena Talya Aurora Ramirez. You come back home now. Please, come home. I have been trying all of your other numbers and I hope this is the one you have. This is the last phone under your name. Please come home. We are waving flashlights and calling your name. Please. We need you, Emily needs you, Spencer needs you, Rossi needs you, your mom and dad need you, your grandparents need you, your brothers need you. I need you. You need to come back home to us... If you can't come home... Stay safe. Because we will find you and you better be alive or I will resurrect you and kill you myself, then resurrect you again. We need you Mena... Please come back... " I recognize her voice, it's penelope. Her message makes my eyes well with tears but then there is more... There is another voice.

"Birdie... Ple-" Her voice cracks causing me to lose all control over my emotions. "Please come home... Darling I need you... Everyone needs you here... We- we read the letters and saw the packages... Tell us where you are and we will help you... Birdie... Please fly back to us." Emily chokes out between sobs. I know I hurt her, but it is for her own good. She will be safe.

 (Emily Prentiss x OC) WILL NEVER BE FINISHED Where stories live. Discover now