The First Case

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TW: Violence, gore, rape, sexual assault, kidnapping, typical case stuff, sexism, racism.
Also anything that is in spanish will be translated in the comments :)


Once we are up in the air we start going over the case. Garcia pops up on the the little computer screen with her bright as ever colors, despite it being about 5 am now. We start discussing the case and going over everything we need to focus on, there is a lot about this unsub, I have a feeling this is going to be an unsettling case. He doesn't seem like the typical unsub we have. There is more about him, he targets colored young women who have a low risk lifestyle. They all look a little like me, which scared the hell out of me. All four women were missing for exactly 3 days before they die. He grabs one, holds her for 3 days, kills her and dumps her. We are still waiting for the corner report on the cause of death but its obvious with the amount of stab wounds to their torso's that it was blood loss. In the pictures they all have the same necklaces though...

"Wait guys, look at the pictures of their bruising around their necks, they are all wearing the same exact necklaces, and then have extremely thin burn marks around their necks... I think he is buying these same exact necklaces somewhere and using them to choke them women... I mean that chain could be the only reason why there are those marks, but why is he leaving them with the victim, he would have to go out and continuously buy more necklaces to keep up with his victims..." I stated, this case unsettles me a little more than I'd care to admit.
"Ramírez is right, but the necklace might have sentimental value to him, it is like the final piece to make these women look like who he is targeting, the women he wants these victims to be, probably left him or did something horrific to make him want to do something like this to them." Rossi continues my though process.
"The women who left him must have been the stressor, the reason why he is hurting them. They were probably together for a while, I am surprised though because a guy that does this must have an explosive temper along with serious anger issues." Derek adds on.
"Well statistically impulsivity is very controlled for sociopaths, they learn how to control their emotions along with their anger, but they lash out eventually but it tends to be very uncommon and very confusing when they do. Along with that they also have a tendency of holding grudges that would later be taken out on, like imagine taking something out on someone that happened about 1 year or more ago. That could be the reason why he started killing again, he met someone that reminded him of the women that left and he decided to kill her." He said matter of factly, looking at me to finish his though, we often did this when it came to working.
"Yes, that means he could have been in a long relationship and they could have separated but then found someone that reminded him of her which caused the killings to restart." I stated.
"So then why not just go after what caused him the pain?" Emily asked me.
"Well she could either be out of the question, she could be dead, she could have moved too far out of his comfort zone, she could still have ties to him. Sociopaths are smart, he wouldn't go after her unless the urges were too strong to resist or if there was no more ties connecting together besides the obvious, their relationship." I said..
"Oh no guys... Seattle PD just sent over a new case file... There was another body, Isabella Reyes, age 25 was found an hour ago..." Garcia softly voices through the computer.
"Okay everyone, I think that is good enough for now, everyone relax get some sleep for the rest of the flight. We have about 2 more hours until we land in Seattle. Once we land I want Reid and Ramírez, to go to the latest crime scene, Rossi and Morgan go to corners office, and JJ and I will go to the Police Station to set up everything." Emily directs. I head back over to where Spencer and I were sitting. I decided to grab out a book but I was stopped by Spencer.
"You need to watch what you say to Emily, the stunt you pulled earlier can't keep happening." He said.
"I don't know... Maybe... I'll think on it!" I say sarcastically but he gives me a serious look, "Fine, I'll try." I reply and grab out amy spanish poetry book my papa gave me a while ago.

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