La Familia

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TW: Yelling, abuse, drinking, family drama :)


I hear my mom gasp and somewhat yell to my papa, "no, no puede ser, Raymond mira!"

I step out of the office to see my mom pointing at Rossi, his eyes are wide and he looks like he had just seen a ghost. Then he opens his mouth to speak before shaking his head.

"¡Sal ahora mismo! ¡No puedes estar aquí!" He states sternly voicing towards my papa.

"¿Qué estás haciendo aquí? Hace años que no nos vemos, ¿Mena sabe quién eres?" My papa states back, he is starting to scare me. What does he mean do I know who Rossi is, of course I do I work with him.

"¿Papa? Debes estar confundido, este es David Rossi, trabaja en la BAU. No lo conoces... ¿Qué está pasando?" I say to try to calm him down, maybe he is just confused. His memory is getting a little bad these days, but he is still pretty young.

"¿Qué quieres decir con que aquí es donde trabajo, y no, Mena no sabe quién soy? ¿Por qué te importa?" Rossi say's completely ignoring my presence. I walk down towards my desk to try to calm my papa down, he looks like he is starting to get upset.

"Rossi? Realmente tomé el apellido de mamá, por lo que veo. Y me importa porque nos dejaste cuando cumpliste 18. ¿Pero sabías quién era Mena? ¿Y nunca hizo preguntas?" What is going on... This is all starting to confuse me. what are they talking about mom? my grandma? what does he mean he left? I open my mouth again to speak but Rossi beats me to it.

"Cambié mi nombre por una razón, para que papá no pudiera encontrarme si alguna vez venía a los Estados Unidos. No es como si te importara." Rossi states raising his voice. I can't deal with a screaming match right now. Not here. Not infront of my brother. I put my hands on my mamas shoulders while i stand behind her, she is sitting down at my desk. She looks like she is going to start crying.

"No, ese era papá, mamá y yo no queríamos que te fueras. Pero si papá nos hubiera oído hablar de eso, nos habría pegado más." My papa yells back raising his voice. This is getting too much, I am about to tell them to take it outside but Rossi beats me to it again. I don't understand they keep talking about leaving and talking to me. They are speaking so fast, my mind can't even think about the possibilities of what they are talking about.

"Mamá y tú nunca dijisteis nada. Era un borracho, no lo soporté más, no te pude llevar y lo siento, pero mamá ni siquiera trató de dejarlo." Rossi starts to shout, causing my mom t0 jump a bit. She has never liked yelling, my dad and her had a bad time when we first moved here and they would fight but they always made up before the night ended, but my mom still hated yelling and seeing him angry. She grabs his hand before I start to speak to her.

"Mamá, estoy confundido acerca de lo que está pasando, ¿qué quiere decir con que se fue?" I ask her loud enough for them to hear but not to completely know what I am saying.

"Ese es el medio hermano de tu papá, comparten la misma mamá." My mama hushes back... I can't believe it. I just thought that he was friendly, I mean he kind of looks like my Abuela Cortes, and like my papa. I couldn't believe it, Ross's words snap me back to reality as I am processing everything.

"¿Podrá ella entendernos?" Rossi asks confused. He finally stopped shouting though, thankfully.

"¿Sí? ¿Por que estas avergonzado?" At least my papa doesn't care if I know what is going on.

"Non so cosa vuoi da me? Sono partito per me stesso, non era mio padre quindi non avevo l'obbligo di restare." Rossi switches to Italian, thankfully I can still understand him, I learned in school, since I already took french and they wouldn't allow me to take spanish since I spoke it fluently.

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