Anna Prentiss

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"Barns is going to have it out for you now." Emily laughs as she finishes off her pasta I had ordered as I was in the elevator so it would get here about 30 minutes after I get up here.

"I know I know, but it was worth it, now he can go to trial and pay for what he did." I say, Tara and Luke got a confession from him, aparently he was guilty enough to confess AFTER being caught but not guilty enough to after the 3 other times he raped her.

"Ugh, I still can't believe out of all people Barn's personal assistant." Emily shakes her head in disbelief.

"Ok, changing the topic to something light-hearted, what if when the baby is born we get a puppy for him or her." I say with a big smile and puppy dog eyes.

"That will be a lot of work though Honey." Emily responds wearily.

"I know but Luke and I were talking about this daycare center where he brought Roxy, they trained her and everything when he was gone and couldn't bring her. I think it would be a good idea for the baby to have somebody to grow up with, I know having my dog Riley was extremely comforting." I state grabbing my bracelet that has her ashes in it, I only take it off if I am in the shower, sleeping, or working out.

"I never knew you had a dog, when did she die?" I look up confused and she just nods her head at my bracelet that I didn't even grab on purpose.

"uhh, when I was 16, we had to put her down, she had a tumor growing on her liver." I say softly, I don't know why it's been years but now I am about to cry. These fucking hormones.

"Oh come here Birdie." Emily says as I get up to go hug her. "I shouldn't have asked. I am sorry." Emily says softly.

"No, no don't apologize, I don't even know why I am crying, these stupid fucking hormones make everything times 100. I am fine I promise." I say leaving up to give her a kiss. I abandoned my heels once the food got here and finally opened up those slippers, my ankles are starting to swell a little. "My ankles a re getting fat." I say looking down at them.

"No they are not, you are imagining things, must be those hormones." I send her a glare at her words and she just laughs. "Come here..." She says as we walk to the couch.

She sits down at one end and I sit down at the other and sets my feet on her lap and starts to massage them. I let out a huge sign at this, my feet have been hurting all day in those heels, thankfully fall is here so I can opt for boots instead. I let out small hums almost moans and she just shoots her head up at me.

"Why does this sound familiar?" She says as she starts laughing and I do too. I just lean my head against the head of the coach and I didn't even realize how tired I was and I fell asleep.

I hear shuffling around the room, I just assume it is Emily cleaning up our food and packing up our bags. I am too tired to actually open my eyes though so I just keep laying here. Until Emily walks over and starts rubbing my arm a little to wake me up. "Come on honey, we need to get going, you will sleep better at home." She whispers softly. I just hum in response as she helps me up and puts my heels back on me. I just hum in response and grab my bag and slippers. I toss my slippers under my desk as we head out and she puts her arm around my waist as we leave the building at 8:30pm.

I practically lean on Emily the whole way down and soon fall asleep in the car. Luckily we are only 10 minutes away from the BAU. Emily wakes me up again when we are get to the house and I drag my feet the entire to the elevator and all the way up to the bedroom. I just leave my purse and phone and everything downstairs on the kitchen island and start stripping the second I get in the bedroom. I go into Emily's side of the closet and pull one of her t-shirts out and I strip everything besides my underwear and pull Emily's shirt over my head and flop onto the bed.

 (Emily Prentiss x OC) WILL NEVER BE FINISHED Where stories live. Discover now