Chapter 8

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Hey guyz I know this sucks but it will get more exciting... probably O.o


Alexandra's POV

I can barely hear VIc's voice. It gets louder and louder.

"Alex," he whispers, "wake up,"

I shoot up from my bed and realize what today is. The day we begin the tour. Fuck...

"Good morning beautiful," he says with a friendly smile. There's something about Vic that makes me feel more at ease.

"Good morning Vic. What time do we leave?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.

"In about an hour. So get ready, do whatever you gotta do," He says as he gets up at leaves the room

"When was the last time I got my period? Oh shit." I think to myself as I run into the bathroom. I'm so smart to buy some new "feminine products" just in case yesterday.

I take a shower and blow dry my hair. I straighten my hair and put on my make up. I don't forget to pack those things in my backpack. I pick out some black yoga pants and a Mickey Mouse tank top. I put on a flannel over it and slide on my blue vans. I ready... I grab my suitcase and backpack and make my way down the stairs. There's only 10 minutes until we leave so I just decide to make some toast to go.

All the boys are in the living room except for Vic. He's leaning on the counter in the kitchen eating some cereal.

"Hey, you ready?" he asks.

"Yeah... I guess. How long is the tour?" I ask as I put two pieces of bread in the toaster.

"About three months," he notices the sad and worried expression on my face, "It'll be okay kiddo, we won't let anything happen to you. We will be just like body guards," he says and winks. I smile. I smear some butter on the toast and out it on a disposable plate. We leave in about 5 minutes now and we all put our stuff on the porch. I don't feel good at all. My stomach hurts, but it's just nerves. The bus gets there and we put our stuff in the side compartments. I take my backpack inside and choose my bunk. I chose the one thats 3 bunks up on the left. It was perfect height. I think this bus is amazing, everything was automatic.

There was a pair of hands covering my eyes. "Guess who," he says. I can already tell who this is.

"Hey Tony," I say as hold his wrists and turn around. He smiles. Damn, I wish I was older, I would be crushing so hard on him. I mean, he's been my favorite and I already have a little crush on him but see, he's soo much older than me so whatever. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Tony speaks.

"You okay?" He asks. Aww, he's so caring.

"Yeah, just a little worried about the tour. I don't think your fans like me..." I say, looking at the floor.

"Hey," he says as he lifts my chin with his thumb and pointer finger. I can already feel my cheeks heating up. "It's gonna be okay. Just be you, they will fall in love. Trust me." He kisses my forehead and starts to put some of his things on the bunk across from mine. The rest of the guys get on the bus and pick their bunks and put their things away. I went to the front lounge to get out of their way. I still didn't feel well so I'm just taking deep breathes. I'm so scared, I start to get a small anxiety attack. Vic just comes and hug me because he knows what that's like.

Vic's POV

I hear heavy breathing and I turn back to see Alex having a small anxiety attack. I walk to her and sit next to her in the front lounge. She has her face in her knees, sobbing.

"Shh, it's okay. Everything's gonna be okay." I say trying to comfort her. She starts to calm down after a minute. There are a couple more sniffles until she sits up.

"Thanks, Vic." She whispers in between sniffles.

"It's no problem. You'll be okay, I promise," I whisper back. She takes a couple more deep breathes. The driver checks if everything and everyone is on the bus and we start. This is it. 3 more months to go.

Yeah whatevs shut up I know it sucked but idgaf

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