2 - kit kat

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◆you fell in love with my flowers but not my roots. so when autumn arrived you didn't know what to do.◆

chapter 2„

jungkook p.o.v

i woke up from my bed and did my usual routines. after everything is done, i lazily walk to the dining room.

as i entered the dining room, i came to face with my parents that were having their breakfast.

oh. they're home. why they have to ruin my mood. when i'm just about to turn around, my father called me. I stop on my tracks.

"jungkook-ah, where are you going? come have your breakfast." he said softly.

i don't have reason to reject it furthermore my stomach been craving for food. so i take a sit and have my breakfast.

"we have discussed with them about your wedding date. it's going to be three days from today."

i chocked on my food after hearing that from my father. i looked at him disbelief.

"i said i don't want to marry her!" i stood up and just like yesterday, it happens again.

"no talking back! you're going to marry her!"

"but appa!" i can't give up. i have to tell them. i have to make them understand me because it's about my life. whatever it takes, the marriage can't happen.

"i don't like her! i don't love her! i  don't want to spend my life with that witch!"

"jungkook, watch your mouth!" my father stood up and pointed his hand to me.

"you guys just don't understand me.  i will never love her. you guys don't even care about my feelings. i did rather be a single man until old than married with her." i said lowly. i can felt my cheeks wetting because of the tears that were streaming down my faces.

i looked at my mother. like yesterday, she just sat there, looking down.

once again.

i can't look at them anymore. i ran out of the room, and all i heard was my mother shouts calling for me.

it happen again everything become just like yesterday.

i hate them.


two days passed

all i did was stay in my room.

tomorrow is going to be the 'bad day ever' for me. i still don't know how to run from all of this. i'm out of an idea. I can't imagine what will happen to my life after i married her.

suddenly, i heard someone knocked on my door but still, i want to be alone.

"jungkook, it's omma." ah, what's she doing here. why did you come to see me now after two days of ignoring me.

"jungkook, please open the door. i'm begging you." i heard her soft voice that can calm my heart.

◆marry the prince

queen p.o.v

"jungkook, it's omma."

"jungkook, please open the door. i'm begging you." i continuously knocked on into his door.

i wait for some minutes. but i will not back away. he needs to open the door.

i knock on into his door again. suddenly, i heard the doorknob being open. i'm glad he finally open it.

"dear, what are you doing?" i said in concern. he was standing in front of me but i can't see his eyes cause he was looking down.

"nothing. what are you even doing here?" he asked coldly and he walks away to the window. i can see his face its looks so pale, did he skip his meal?

"omo, look at my handsome son. you look so pale. are you okay?" i approached him but still, i cant gain his attention.

"dear, i'm sorry. did you really didn't want to marry her?"

"ne omma! i hate her! but you guys don't even care about me!" he said.

i walked to him and give him a hug. a  warm hug which i always do when he felt sad. how much i missed him.

"i always care about you." i said caressing his back. i think he really needs a help.

"jungkook listen, if you really don't want to marry her." he looked at me, confused. i let out a sighed before continued.

i smiled at him. "i will help you."

"h-help me?" He stuttered.

◆marry the prince

marry the prince → j.jungkook ◇editingDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora