Chapter 42

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Eun Hyung P.O.V

"I'm maybe not home for two days. All I want you to do is stay in this house and never go out. Also you're forbidden to open the television and meet someone who you don't know."

I stared at him blankly. Curiosity and confusing surrounding me. But its scared me when I saw his eyes filled with fierce and anger.

Do I have to follow all of that? Its like he locking me and controlling my life.

I came here to see Jungkook cause I need to stop him from anything bad that's going to happen but this Jimin guy is giving me rules.

"But wh-" Before I could say anything he cut me. "Please for your own good." His tone sound likes he was really begging me. I frowned and nodded slightly. Why am I going to follow his rules?

Stupid me.

"Good." He let out a relieve sigh before smiling.

What is it good about?


"So, I'll be going now." Jimin was standing in front of the door and there was the horse carriage waiting for him. I nodded and gave him a small smile.

"Be safe." Its dark now the road probably not that bright. He grinned while ruffling my head. I don't know why but my heart skip a beat. "Please, take care Chim for me." I looked down when the dog beside me bark like he know what we were talking about. "And you, take care my princess for me." Jimin bend down to the Chim height and patted his head making Chim bark non stop.

"I'll see you later." His eyes smile which can melt any girls heart. I nodded and gave him reassuring smile.

I watched him get into the horse carriage. Its getting away and finally disappears from my vision. I picked Chim's up and locked the door with my free hand.

"What am I doing here?"

Author P.O.V

Jungkook's getting married. Everyone busy preparing everything for the blessing day, his wedding.

But different from him, he just locking himself in the bedroom not wanting to know a things about the wedding. He don't even care. He have no life anymore, he thought. Everything was a messed. 

Jimin still keeping his secret to everyone except from Yoongi and he's been begging him not to spread the new out. He is being so jamless that's what Yoongi thought.

One day passed, all Eunhyung did was staring into space in the house and play with Chim. That's the only things she can do. When she got really bored she tidy up the house and found many memories Jimin's been keeping.

He surely keep many memories in that house.


The morning rays shine, bright in up the house. Eunhyung woke up from her sleep and she didn't realize that she was sleeping on the sofa.

She prised opened her eyes and let the room come into focus but her mind still in her laland. Her hand was reaching out for something. And finally she grabbed the thing and it was the remote TV.

marry the prince → j.jungkook ◇editingDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora