Chapter 19

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Eun Soo P.O.V

"Eun Soo~" I saw Jungkook came walking towards me with two ice creams in each of his hands."I-Ice cream?!"

"Um, ice cream! Why? You don't want it?" He titled his head and make a question look.

"A-Ani! I'm just curious why you suddenly buy it..." I took the ice cream from his hand as he passed it to me.

"I-I thought you cried seeing that kid, b-because you want the ice cream." He went to sit beside me.

"Hahaha, I'm not a kid to cry over this." I stuck out my tounge and laugh at him.

"Oh, r-really?!" He looked at me. "Hurm." I nodded.

"Then give it back to me." He smirked and trying to get the ice cream from my hands.


He keep trying to snatch the ice cream from me. But I held the ice cream higher. I keep looking on at the ice cream as I look at him I realize that our face are not far from each other. We keep staring at each other for a minute.

His eyes, so beautiful. Lips...

Jung Kook P.O.V

I keep trying to snatch her ice cream but she keep the ice cream higher. Until she stop, I realize that our face are so close. Our eyes meet and we keep staring each other.

"Eun Hyung." Her name just blurtted out from my mouth. When I keep looking at her, she remind me of Eun Hyung.

"Huh?" I come to my senses, and quickly sat back properly.

Eun Soo P.O.V

I heard that. He called me Eun Hyung.


"E-Eun Hyung?"


I'm sure, I heard he called me Eun Hyung. But maybe he want to keep it as secret. I dont know why, its not like I'm going to kill him just because he confused me between his Eun Hyung.

"A-Ah, where do you got the money to buy ice cream?" I changed the subject doesn't want him to feel uncomfortable.

"Grandma gave it to me." He looked at me and grinned.

"Really?!" I asked. "Yeah." He nodded happily.

Woah! How he got money so easy while I have to work.

Work. Yeah.

"Omo! Today I have part time!" I scream. How can I forget that I work in cafe.


"*sigh* I have to work this evening." I pouted and lick my ice cream sadly. "Oh...Really...Fighting!" He thumbs up and gave me a wide smile.

"But are you sure you can work, in this condition?" Omo! Is he worrying about me?

"W-well, I have to earn money. I-I think I'm gonna be fine!" He just nodded and continued to lick his ice cream.

"By the way, I looked at him and make a sorry face I'm sorry, when you hurt last time I don't help you that much. Now I know how you feel. T-T" I remember the last time when he were hurting, I just take it as normal things but now I know how it feel.

"Ani~ You help me much more than I am. Thank you!" He smiled widely. I chuckled and thanked him too.


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