Chapter 22 1/2

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Eun Soo P.O.V

I woke up early today. Woah, maybe too excited for today but I can also feel the nervous. Well, its my first time to hang out or lets call its a 'date' with JB oppa with the title 'his girlfriend'. We always hang out together but not just the two of us Ha Ne and Junior were always there too. Today its just the two of us, alone. Can't wait for the day. Am I overacting?

JB texted me last night to meet him at the mall where I went before with Jungkook. Its still 8 in the morning, I'm going to meet JB on 10 so, still have 2 more hours to go!

I make the breakfast. The menu today is bacons and eggs! Huhu, yummy right?! Grandma is not going to the garden today. Maybe I should ask Jungkook to take care of grandma for me. Its lucky to have him here, hehe. Sorry for the trouble.

After I served the bacons and eggs on the plates, grandma came with a smile plaster on her face. "Woah, what a nice smell."

"Hehe, its the BACON!" *V's mom Baekhyunnie* I said happily while doing a weird pose with the spatula hanging in the air in my hand.

"You looks so happy today." Grandma chuckled while taking a seat. "And you woke up really early today. Its rare for me to see you wake up early on weekends." Grandma looked at me that was in front of her and raised her eyebrows.

"Huh? I wake up early everyday isn't?" I widened my eyes. Liar. Yeah, its rare for me to wake up early on weekends. Its just today I'm too over excited for the day till I can't sleep.

"Correction, only when school times." Grandma giggles. Well, lets just agrees.

"Oh, grandma can I go out today?" I asked grandma with my begging tone. Please, please. "Did I ever say no to you?" Grandma smiled while titling her head. Hehe, right.

"This is why I love you!" I went to grandma and hug her tight."Not as much as the person you are meeting today right?" I can feel my cheek turn to tomato colour. Even I love JB oppa so much no one can ever replace grandma first place in my heart. She's been taking care of me since I was a kid. Alone. Words can't describes how much I really love her!

"Aniyo! Grandma always the first place in my heart!"

As the kitchen is full with laugh, someone came walking tiredly while rubbing his eyes.

"Did I miss something?" Another voice came into the kitchen. Who else? It was Jungkook who came looking at us while strecthing his body and yawning. Er, his hair looks so messy. "You looks so messy." I said looking at him from the bottom to the top.

"Tired." He replied simply. I know he's the one who helped me made the cookies yesterday but it is related to his messy looks?

"What happened to you?" I asked him as he took a seat beside grandma which is in front of me.

"Terrible nightmare, I guess?" He replied while I saw his hand trying to get the bacon.

I slapped his hand, "Go wash your face first sweety!" then I ruffled his hair for not making them looking too messy.

He stared at me. What? I ruffled his hair? Is that wrong? Wait? Why am I doing this?

"Don't be stupid I just fix you messy hair! GO! Go, go!" I clapped my hands, doesn't want to look awkward with what just happened just now.

Sweety? Why is that came out from my mouth?

Jung Kook P.O.V


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