marry the prince

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prince jeon jungkook, the king master's son of the goheng world. his father told him to get married with princess lee seul ki. he doesn't wants to because he really hate her. the day before he get married he ran away with his mother's help. the queen gave him a necklace that can bring him to another world, earth. he was being thrown to the earth but fall into the river, all he can do is cried for help as he does not know how to swim.

kim eun soo, just an average and pretty good looking girl help him. eun soo seem to be resembles to his childhood friend. day by day, jungkook stay at eun soo house their bond were getting closer. but eun soo already has the one she love, jb. jungkook start to fall for her too but he realize he can't because he is from another world.

how will everything turn as jungkook enter eun soo life?


◆jeon jungkook
◇kim eunSoo
◆kang hane
◇park sunmi
◆choi youngjae
◆lee yunee

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