Sequel 2

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They was in the castle having dinner party celebrating the new married couple.

Jungkook and Eunhyung was busy greeting the guests at the gateway. They were so happy.

Everyone compliments them that they looks so good together and wished them to be happy together forever.

As there was no guests anymore, Jungkook turn his body to face with Eunhyung. He cupped Eunhyung's face and lifted her face up to make her stares into his eyes. Jungkook deeply look into her orbs giving Eunhyung a heart attack.

He brought his face closer to her leaving just an inches apart. She can feel his hot breath on her mouth. Their nose were touching each other while their eyes still staring into each other.

Jungkook close the gaps as he leaned in. Eunhyung was shocked by it but then she closed her eyes.

She replied the kiss and its got hotter.

She broke the kiss taking a breath. They both were gasping for air. Jungkook brushed with his thumb her lips. "I love you."

"Love you too."

They both smile. Jungkook brought Eunhyung body closer to him as he hug her.

"I'm so happy." He whispered.

"I'm so happy, we meet again and here we are, you've become my wife. Its feel like a dream." Jungkook said and Eunhyung nodded in his chest.

"I really want to remember our childhood moments." Eunhyung said.

Jungkook put his hands on her shoulders as he broke the hug. He looks deeply into her eyes. "I'll make you remember. Every little of it." Jungkook flatter a smile and she chuckled while nodding.

"Can you wait here?" Jungkook asked.

"Hm? Why?" Eunhyung gave him a question look. "I'll be coming back. Just a minute." Jungkook gave her a peck before running into the castle.

Eunhyung cant help herself but to smile while touching her lips.


Eun Hyung P.O.V

That voice. I know that voice.

I turned around and to my shocked Jimin was standing a meter away from me.

Is this real?

I don't know why but I'm afraid to face him. I take a step back and tried to ran away.

But a hand grabs into my wrist. Jimin pulled me making me to turn around and face him. He brought me closer to him.

"I miss you." Jimin gave me a hug. He put his head on my shoulder. I tried to break away from his tight. But he's way too strong.

Suddenly, I heard a sob.

He cried?

"I know you hate me, you're afraid of me." Jimin said as he tighten the hug.

"But its all your faults, its all your faults-" His sobbing become a mess.

I cant do anything.

"For making me love you." Its hit me. My fault? Why did I even do to you for making you love me?

"Its hard for me to let you go."

"After all these years,

These years of waiting for you, looking for you. You make me insane. Do you know how hard I am trying to forget you, finding you. Its makes me goes crazy. I cant do anything to forget you." My heart beats rapidly. He search for me?

marry the prince → j.jungkook ◇editingDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora