Chapter 16

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jb pov

"i love you!" i hugged her tightly.

i said it! you're so stupid jb!

pabo pabo!

after i said the phrase that i've been avoiding all my life, that i don't even want it to slip out from my mouth, she stopped sobbing.

I'm so dumb.

eunsoo p.o.v

"i love you!"

i-is it true what i just heared? does he really said that? he love m-me?

so after all this time, i'm not having a one-sided love? or he love me just as a friend? did i get friendzoned or up way than that?

without knowing, i stop sobbing as i don't know how to breath again. he pulled me away from him, facing my face that was so red.

n-no, he can't see it! quickly, i cover my face. not wanting for him to see it. 

what am i g-going to do?!

"e-eunsoo?" he's calling me. pretend that you're dead. n-no! stop thinking stupid idea.

"mianhae. j-just forget what I'm saying just now." he said stuttering with his low voices.

forget?! no! that was the phrase that i've been wanting​ to hear! how can i possibly forget that!

"no,," i I removed my palms from my face and looks​ into his eyes.



i-i love

you too." i just said that. i if feel like wanting to run miles away from here.

everything went totally silent. that's when i thought i messed up. i looked away, away other than his eyes.

suddenly his chuckles filled up the silent room.

why is he laughing?

"wae?" i asked confusing. is he joking around and i had fallen into his trap?

"hehehe. you're just too cute." he pinched my cheeks as his eyes bravely stares into mine.

eventhough he always did that to me but now its feel so different. my cheeks staining with red colour.

and now it went back to how i doesn't want it to be, awkward.

"l-lets go home!" i suggested, since that's the only thing that can broke our awkward situation.

"kaja." jb didn't said anything but his hand acted opposite, he grab my wrist and interwined​ our hands. i can't help but to smile widely.


"ah,, i missed this moments so much." jb said happily but there is disappointment​ in his tone.

Somehow its true. Sun Mi always hang out with him thats always makes me jealous. But now maybe I can handle the jealousy because I know JB love me.

"Yeah, Because you always hang around with that Sun Mi."

"Because I have no other choices, Princess." He then ruffled my hair and grinned.

"N-no other choices?" I asked not understand.

No other choices? What is that means? He can't rejected her?


Stupid JB! Why did you say?!

"N-no , its not like that! L-lets just not talk about her." I rubbed my back neck.

I can't let she know. Sun Mi is the bitchess who will do anything just to get me. I don't understand her there is more man out there why me? I don't want Eun Soo to know because I don't want her to get worry.

"Hehe...I believe you." Eun Soo give me her eye smile.

God, why is she so cute?


Author P.O.V
#I use you instead of Eun Soo

As JB and you walk and talk about some random things, you realize that your house is not to far away.

"Ah! We already near, you can just send me till here." You stopped walk and turn to JB as he also stop his way.

"Ah, ne... See you tomorrow!" JB bid you goodbye and start walking leaving you. You continued walk.

You thought it will be a bad idea if JB saw Jungkook in your house. Thats why you told him just to stop there. Your happiness about knowing your crush likes you too still doesn't fade away.

You knocked to the door with a smile in your face. After a few seconds, the door went open and a boy figure was in front of you.

"Anyeong! I'm back!" you said happily.

Jungkook looked at you weirdly. Its not the Eun Soo that he know past few days before.

"W-welcome back."

"You look so happy today."

Jungkook asked you as you just walking into the house happily.

"Oh, really." You just answered his question with the short sentence and went to her room without even care what Jungkook think about you.

After you took a shower, you make lunch for Jung Kook and grandma.

"Hohoho. My princess look so happy than usual." Grandma came and sit on the chair. You just smiled and set the lunch on the table.

"Aigoo. Are you in love?" Grandma suddenly asked that make you shocked with that question.


"Is it Jungkook?" Grandma said chuckling.

"Aniyo! I will never fall for that annyoing boy." You said out loud.

Grandma always think that you and Jungkook will make an adorable couple. But you are wrong, never fall?

"A-annoying?" Grandma asked you.

Grandma P.O.V

"Yeah, he always said he came from another planet and he have a castle. Isn't that sound annoying?" Eun Soo said while making weird face.

Another planet.


Jeon Jungkook.

N-no, it can't be...

"I already have J-JB..." Eun Soo said that quietly but loud enough for me to heard. I was shocked hearing that.

How can h-he?

I know JB not just as her friend but I know all about him, his past, everything. I'm sorry to keep this as secret. I just can't tell you.

"Grandma...Grandma!" Eun Soo wave her hand in front of me as I was dreaming.

"O-oh." Back to the reality. I start to eat my lunch. I know Eun Soo must feel weird about my sudden change. I just can't believe the fact. How am I going to change it?

The kitchen suddenly feel quiet. Suddenly, Jungkook came and sat on the chair next to me and start to lick his lip showing how hungry he was.

"Jungkook-ah eat as much as you want." I smile looking at the hungry Jungkook.

Jungkook-ah, I know who you are now.


BAM! Its a really late update cause idea doesn't came and Wifi problem T_T IDK whats wrong with my brain cause the idea doesn't want to come out! And I hope you guys like this chapter. What kind of secret did Grandma hide? :o Hope you guys will wait for it until the secret will be reveal.

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