11 - baby ruth

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◆they start missing you when they fail at replacing you.

chapter 11„

jungkook p.o.v

i woke up from eunsoo bed, knowing its already morning. i slept at her bed again. i feel a little bad for sleeping on her bed, but she's the one that insisted me to. well, she does know how to respect a prince.

she promises me to bring me to the garden, today. i don't know why i feel so excited to go there. i can't walk that much, but who cares? the pain is slowly recovering. i just want to get out and breathe this world oxygen.

i limped on my way to the bathroom to take a shower.

ah! what am i gonna wear? that hit me like a truck. can i just go anywhere half-naked it will be easier since shirts are giving trouble to my brain. my maids don't even care about my half-naked body so do people here right?

but i cant the atmosphere here is much colder. my body can't hold its coldness. it's way to swag to handle.

i went out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist, and make my way to the sofa where eunsoo's sleep.

i bend down and poked her cheek waking her up. "eunsoo-ah."

"wake up. it's an order from a prince."

eunsoo p.o.v

and here i am running happily along the beach. like a bird knows how to fly.

i was running until i felt a rock hit my face. who the hell is that?!


"eunsoo-ah." is that the voice who just threw that rock towards me that hit my precious face.

"wake up." i shook my head.

"wake up. its an order from a prince." prince your water park. i shook my head before boasted my eyes open. i'm dreaming. so it was him. his the one who disturb my happy dream strolling along the beach!


wait a minute„

"argh!" i quickly brought my hands to my eyes covering these innocent pure eyes.

water hack is he half naked?!

"ah, eunsoo-ah, can i have something to cover these chocolate bars?" i can tell that he was smirking. that kind of pervert smirk.

chocolate bars your ass. i see ice cube. whatever i'm not so good in making the definition.

"just take it!" i shushed him. "really?!" i feel like slapping him.

"yeah! faster, just take it!" i shout annoyed.

"saranghae." he chuckled and i can hear his footsteps running towards the cupboard.

"i think you should choose for me." he said. "just choose yourself. can't you?!" i shouted as i feel really angry. my hands are too tired to cover these innocent eyes.

marry the prince → j.jungkook ◇editingDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora