Chapter 37

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Eun Hyung P.O.V

"Finally, here the thing that can bring you back." A ring? What can this ring do? But when I see properly it has the same pearl like Jungkook's necklace.

"You notice Prince Jungkook's necklace?" I nodded and looked at grandma who is smiling.

"I got this from Prince Jungkook's grandfather. I'm sure so do Prince Jungkook. His grandfather is really expert at making this." I was in awed. Woah, he is really something.

Grandma suddenly take my hand then she placed the ring into my finger. She pat my hand and chuckled. "Go save him." I looked at grandma blankly.

"All you need to do is say 'Bring me back to Mash World'." When I heard Mash World I don't know why I burst into laughter. Grandma pat my back trying to calm me down.

"Its your world Princess Eunhyung." Now when I heard grandma called me Princess Eunhyung I felt a knot tied in my stomach. Whether I like or not I also don't know. Will I get used to be a Princess? Well, I used to be.

"But- isn't you going with me?" I grinned widely at grandma but then fall when she answered. "I think I will stay here. There so much memories we made here."


"Mianhae." I can't say any words. Its grandma choice whether to go back or stay here. But I, I have to go back.

To meet Jungkook.

"I'm hungry. Can I eat grandma dinner's cooking?" I suggested out of nowhere. Maybe the last time I taste grandma cooking. I'll miss that.

A look of confusion crossed her face and I just gave her a mischievous grin. She chuckled then patted my head. "Ne, Princess." Giving me a warm smile.

Jung Kook P.O.V

I stare into space as I thought about what future going to happen. I just agree.

I agreed to marry her.

There nothing more I can do. If only-

If only Eunhyung were here. If only Eunsoo is Eunhyung. But its all impossible.

I heard my door knocked. I was lying on my bed and quickly wake up staring at the door. "Jungkook, its me." The soft voice behind the door said.

I went to open the door and in front of there stood omma giving me a small smile. "Omma."

She walk inside my room and I followed behind her looking down. Just then I felt a warm body wrapped around me.

Omma hugged me.

"I really miss you." I nodded on the hug and said the same.

"B-But why did you came back so early? The wedding may-" When she said that I broke the hug and stared into her eyes.

"May be stopped?" Her eyes fill with sympthy. She put her hand on my shoulder and nodded. "Don't you hear appa, omma?"

I feel anger course through my veins when remembering about what appa said to me.

"Whatever I do or wherever I go I still have to marry her omma. Except if I die!" I can feel my eyes teary. Omma pulled me back into a hug and shooked her head. I can hear she sobbed. "Don't said that, Jungkook!"

"No. Eunhyung-

You love her right? You want to marry her doesn't you."

I don't know what to say when I heard her name. My mind became blank. How much I miss her. I stared into the wall from omma hug.

marry the prince → j.jungkook ◇editingDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora