Chappy 1

45 4 0

3rd POV:

"Well my lovely people that will be all for today." Y/n says as she blows a kiss to the camera. "But don't forget to come see me at the Bikkuri Donkey diner where I will be doing my live performance." And with that the camera cut off.

Y/n sighed and took the bunny ears off. Y/n was a famous YouTuber that did little ✨ performance ✨. She'll do things like pole dancer , half nake tease and dances. All the horny men and ladies come to her channel to get their hormones off. She really didn't mind though. Cause who was she to complain when the money she is getting is paying her bills.

She takes the bunny suit off her s/c body and hopes in her shower. Y/n lived alone. Being kick out at 17 was horrible she had to live with her best friend Bethany. Bethany and y/n been friends since kindergarten. So when her parents kick her out y/n went to Bethany house. Bethany and her parents open their doors for y/n without hesitation.

After going to college and working y/n grew enough money to get her own apartment and when she got it she started to do YouTube channeling a week after moving in. Her YouTube at first started off slow but then grew bigger and bigger. Now she is famous YouTuber and living life nothing can stop her now.

Well that's what she thought.

Getting out of the shower y/n heard a knock at her door. "Gimme a minute." Y/n says as she throws on her f/c robe. After tying it she goes to the door and answer it. At her door step stood her favorite mailman. "Hello y/n how are you." The mailman ask. "Oh I'm good Robert what you got for me." Y/n says as she holds her hand out for the mail.

Robert smiles and says "well I got at least 5 pieces of mail for you." Robert says as he hands y/n her mail. She takes the mail thanking him but before she could close the door to Robert says " I'll see you at the diner for your performance." Y/n close the door. "Of course you will." She thought as she put the mail down on the table.

She goes throw on a simple pair of shorts and a f/c tank top and goes back to the mail. She sits down and grabs the mail. " Junk , junk ,junk bill , what's this." Y/n says as she grabs the peice of mail that says "you been chosen." Y/n looks at the mail and think "what the hell." While staring at the mail y/n hears a knock on her door. She was startle at first but gets up to answer it.

Standing there at her front door was her mother. Y/n rolled her eyes. Every once in a while her mother would come to her apartment to beg for money. Y/n never gave in cause why give the woman that cause you pain anything. "If it's for more money I don't have it." Y/n says. She tried to close the door but her mother put her foot in the way. "Y/n please listen it wasn't my idea to put you out it was your father's."

Her mother then tries to push y/n door open. "I don't care mom you let him do it." Y/n says and manage to close the door all the way. Hearing her mother bang on her door y/n said " get the hell away or I'm calling the cops." After 3 minutes of banging her mother finally left. Y/n sigh in relief but then every thing wet dizzy.

Y/n felt like she was falling through the floor. "What the - ahhh." Y/n says as she starts to fall through the her floor. "Ok ok I'll give my mom the money." She screams while falling.

Landing hard on the floor y/n looks up to see 6 men standing before her. She didn't know where she was at. Tears form in her eyes. "What's going on." She says. "Well isn't it obvious dear you been chosen." Y/n was still confused about what she was chosen for.

"Chosen for what send me back home now." She said she stands up on her feet. "Yeah we'll send you back once the exchange program is done." A voice said. Y/n look over at the guy.

He had black hair and red eyes. He was super cute but right now y/n was mad and was going to get her way no matter what. "Well I didn't agree to any of this." The men then chuckle. "Yes you did you saw the letter you didn't throw it away you sat it down there for you agree to it." Y/n frown.

"Just who the hell are you guys." She says. The guy then frown. "Watch your tongue Infront of demon king diavolo." Y/n look shock. It then all hit her. The exchange program that the news was talking about. She was chosen. But why her.

"It's ok Lucifer , y/n welcome to devildom." The demon king diavolo said. Y/n look up at him and thought to herself. "Things are about to get werid."

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