Chappy 2

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Lucifer POV:

Looking at this girl sitting on floor I think to my self "she is cute but she better not cause diavolo no problems." I watch as she looks around confused and scared. "Ouuu wait a minute I know you , your that human girl from YouTube." Asmo says as he goes over to her. He then takes his hand and touch her cheek. "I never thought I'll see you in person." He then whisper something in her ear that makes her blush. "Ahh don't say things like that pervert." She shoves asmo away and stands up on her feet.

"I wanna go home right now." She says as she puts her hands on her hip. "I just told you , you'll go home once the exchange program is over." I say getting a little irritated with the new girl attitude. "So let me get this straight you guys think it's ok to just kidnap people." She says as she pouts. "Well y/n can you do the exchange program for us and then we'll let you go home." She seems to agree with that. After telling her everything she had to do she was off with mammon. I think to myself "she gonna be a problem."

Y/n POV:

Walking around town with a guy called mammon I started to just accept the fact that I'm going to be stuck here until next year. "This is this and that is that." The guy name mammon was telling me. "You know you are pretty lazy at showing people around." I say as I stop mid sentence in walking. "Yo human don't say things like that to the great mammon." He says. I roll my eyes and sigh. We continue to walk and then we bump into a girl with two black pigtails. "Heyyy is this another human." She says as she pushes past mammon and gets close to my face.

"Hey my name is Nami what's your name ?" She says as she pokes my cheeks. "I um y/n can you um stop poking my cheek." She stops poking me and laugh. "I know who you are just wanted to see if you'll tell me the truth." She says as she wraps her arm around me and walks off. "Let me show you around instead of mammon." She says as we both leave mammon behind.

( Timeskip brought to you by Levi meeting guyi )

3rd POV:

While walking around town with Nami y/n was getting notice and having fun. At first she thought being in the devildom was gonna be horrible but now that she was with Nami she was actually having lots of fun. "Now last but not least the demon lord castle." Nami says as she steps up to it. "Wow it's pretty big." Y/n says. Nami chuckles. "Yeah it is wanna break in ?" Y/n was shock that Nami said that. "what won't we get in trouble." Nami laughed. "Girl we won't get in trouble if we don't get caught."

Y/n was gonna protest but stop. She then sighed and agreed her and Nami broke into the demon lord castle and went looking around. Y/n was amazed with all the things that was in the castle. Peeking into one room y/n and Nami saw diavolo and Lucifer sitting down talking. "Oh my diavolo if we get caught by them." Nami said as she began to get nervous.

"Hey don't freak out let's just leave." Y/n says. "Leave and go where ?" Turning around the saw the butler. Barbtos leaning down looking at them. He took them by their collars and throw them into the room. Falling on the floor y/n and Nami were scared shitless. "What in the world." Lucifer said as he started at y/n with deep eyes. He wasn't even looking at nami who was looking clean at her.

"Your first day here and this is your choice who to hang out with." Y/n didn't know what to say. "It's ok Lucifer it's y/m first day but I have to agree Nami isn't the best person to hang out with." Diavolo says as he crosses his arms. "Barabtos take Nami home." Lucifer said. "What about y/n ? " Lucifer eyes darken.

"No leave her with me."

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