Chappy 10

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Y/n POV:

I froze I didn't know what to say. I was technically caught coming from down the stairs of the attic by mammon, Levi ,Beel and Asmo. Before I could saying anything mammon wrap his arm around my shoulder. " We all were just passing by to head to y/n room." Mammon says as he puts on a nervous smile.

"Yay yay we was." Asmo chimes in as Beel and Levi nod their heads. We all then make a run for my room. Once reaching my room Beel slams the door as we all panted. Once we catch our breath they all look at me. "Well." Mammon says as looks at me. "Why were you really in the attic y/n." Levi ask. I didn't say anything. I didn't have a answer. Too much was going on at once. I couldn't tell them that Lucifer trap their brother up in the attic cause he didn't want to respect diavolo wishes.

"I - I was just." I couldn't find the right words. I look at Beel and I saw nervousness and scared in his eyes. "If I say I saw their brother they'll probably try to go back and see if it's true." I think. I sigh. "I was just-." I was interrupted by a knock on my door. "C-come in." I say. Beel moves away from the door and open it. It was Satan. "What's going on in here." He ask as he look at all his brokers.

"Y/n changes of plans be at my room at 8:00." Satan says as he looks at me. I nod. Once he leaves mammon look at me. "Yo human why ya hangin out with Satan at 8." Mammon ask as he put his hands on his hips. I shake my head. "None of your business now all of you out." I say as I push all of them out of the room. Once they were out I lock the door and slide down. " That was really close."

Lucifer POV:

Heading back to my office I see mammon Levi Beel and Asmo coming down the hallway. I think of something and smirk to myself. I walk towards them. "Coming back from y/n now." I ask as I cross my hands. "Y-yeah she was t-tired." Mammon says as he stuttered. "He's lying." I thought to myself. I turn around and walk back to my room. "Let y/n know if she continues what she is doing there will be consequences." I say as I close my office door.

Y/n POV:

I had to know if it was true. I sneak out of my room and head up the attic stairs. I see belphie sitting on the floor thinking about something. Once he notices me he jumps up. " Ah y/n." Before he could say anything I say " Is it true." He looks at me confused. "Is it true that your a demon and that those are your brothers." Belphie smiles drop and he lowers his head.

"How could you lie to me." I say. I feel tears wanna fall from my eyes. "Im sorry." Was all he said. I storm back down stairs. Not getting far belphie yells. " Are you still gonna help me." I kept my back turn to him. I can't just stop helping him cause of a little lie. I sigh. " Let me think about it." I say and headed back down the stairs. I get down the stairs and head straight for Satan room.

I knock on Satan room door. I hear shuffling going on and after a couple of minutes he opens the door. "Ah your here." Satan says as he lets me in. I sit down on his chair and me and him begin to discuss how the plan is gonna go.

( Timeskip )

3rd POV:

Lucifer leaves the house unbeware to him that y/n and Satan was following him. "Listen y/n if you see something you don't like don't do anything that'll get us spotted." Satan says. "Be dramatic at the house but not right here." Y/n looked at Satan and rolled her eyes. " Says you." Y/n thought.

They follow Lucifer to all the way to Majloish. He enters and three seconds after y/n and Satan enters. They see Lucifer meet up with Jessebella again. Lucifer wraps his arm around her giving her a hug. They then begin to walk around Majloish. "It's seems to be Lucifer is gonna buy her some things." Satan says as he touches his chin. " Wait but wouldnt that mean they are a dating." Y/n whisper as she looked at Satan.

"Maybe or they're just close friends or maybe Lucifer likes her." Y/n looks at the ground. "Just as I feared." Y/n thought. And as they thought Lucifer was buying Jessebella some clothes. After buying her clothes they leave Majloish as they are leaving y/n and Satan leave. "Heyyy y/nnn."

Y/n and Satan look over to see Nami running towards them. "What the-." Satan says as Nami jumps on y/n. "What are you doing gurl." Nami then looks at Satan and blush. "A-and who Is this." Nami says as looks away with a blush on her face. "Nami this is Satan, Satan this is Nami." Y/n says. "Well I-its nice to meet you." Nami says as she looks at Satan with a bigger blush on her face.

"I'm happy she isn't still thinking about what we did." Y/n thought as she smile at Nami. "We don't have time for a love story." Satan said as he pointed to Lucifer and Jessebella getting further away. "Right Nami I'm sorry but I gotta go." Y/n says as her and Satan begin to run again. Nami gasp and follow them. "B-but I can help." Nami says as she catch up to Satan and y/n. Satan didn't say anything as y/n smile and nod her head. " Ok just don't get caught."

They enter hells kitchen right after Lucifer and Jessebella. But they didn't see them. "Why are you following us." They heard behind them. They looked behind them to see Lucifer and Jessebella. Jessebella had her arm wrap around Lucifer arm. "We were just coming to hells kitchen to eat." Satan says as he looks at Lucifer.

"Really then why did you follow us from Majloish." Jessebella ask as she let go of Lucifer arm. "That's none of your business." Y/n said as she step forward to Jessebella. "Really you sure this isn't about Lucifer." Jessebella says as she chukles. "Jessebella that's enough." Lucifer says. "No she needs to hear this."

"Your jealous because me and Lucifer are a couple." Y/n gasp. "No it's lie." "Is it." Jessebella said. She then walked over to Lucifer and made out with him. Lucifer didn't pull away or anything. Tears fell from y/n eyes. Without thinking y/n ran out of hells kitchen. She ran and ran. She didn't stop as she hear satan and Nami call out for her.

She ran into the woods. Once she realizes she was far away y/n fell onto the ground and cry. " How could he." Y/n thought. As she was crying y/n D.D.D rings. She looks and sees that diavolo was calling. She picks up the phone as she wipes her tears. "Y/n I have good news we found room for you in the Purgatory Hall you can move in." Diavolo says happily.

Y/n smile "thank you." She says as she hangs up the phone.

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