Chappy 4

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Lucifer POV:

After leaving y/n room I was feeling horny as hell. For a damn human she sure had a affect on me. I go to my desk and sit down. I sigh as I sit in the chair. " what I'm I suppose to do now." I thought as I look at my laptop. I then realized that y/n has a deviltube account. I go on to deviltube and begin to search her name. After searching and searching I finally found her.

She had all type of sexual content that can make a man cum just from watching it for 1 second. I click on the first video that said ✨ special bunny dance.✨ I click on it and then the video began.

🍋 Masturbation scene 🍋

I reach inside my pants pulling out my 9 inch throbbing cock and began to pump it. "Hehe daddy let me show you how much I appreciate you with a dance." Y/n says in the video. I began to pump a little faster watching y/n grab on the pole and began to grind to the song that was playing. She started to sway her hips and grab on breast while wrapping her leg around the pole.

"Ohh fuck." I say as I began to pump myself faster. The song that was playing was unholy and my I say it fit perfectly with the way she was dancing. I sit up in my seat grip onto the desk as y/n jump on the pole and spun around it shake her ass when she hit the bottom. Going faster and faster I felt my climax coming. "Oh fuck ,fuck." I say as I grip on tighter on to the desk. She started to grind again and just like that I cum. It all squirt out. On the desk , my hands , and my laptop. I shut the computer fast and lean back in my chair. "What is this human doing to me."

🍋 Masturbation scene over 🍋

Y/n POV:

Laying down on my bed I started to think about what Lucifer could possibly be hiding up in the attic that he didn't want me to know about. "Maybe it's a bunch of woman up there that he beats on everyday." I thought as I sit up on my bed. I couldn't keep letting myself think like this. So I called two of bestfriends.

Walter and ooog. Dialing their y/n waited for them to pick. "Hiiiiiiii." Ooog said as they had their face close to the camera. "You look stress." Walter said as he had finally join the chat. "I am guys. I got pull here to this devildom Kingdom and I don't like it." I said as I fall back on my bed. "Awwn you poor soul." Ooog said. "Then just leave." Walter said. "Oh I tried that they told me I couldn't leave until I finish this stupid exchange program."

Y/n went on and on about everything that happened in the devildom so far. Complaining to her two friends Walter and ooog. "I think you should just finish the exchange program and then you can get away from Lucifer and his scary attic." Walter said through yawns. Y/n sighs in defeat. "Oh cheer up think of it as when you did your first YouTube video." Ooog. Y/n smiled. She had Bethany as a best friend but she couldn't deny that ooog and Walter are her real best friends. "Thank you guys so much." Y/n said. After saying their goodbyes y/n hung up and decided to go talk to one of Lucifers brothers.

3rd POV:

Walking down the hallway y/n heard a familiar video game being played and in of the rooms. She slightly push the door open and saw a purple haired boy sitting down playing her favorite game. Street fighter. "Hey I know this game." Y/n said startling the boy. "Wha- hey normie get out of my room." The boy shouted. Y/n put her hands up in the defense and left. "Tch bitch ass." She then proceeded to make her way to the kitchen where she saw the pink haired boy standing.

Turning finna leave y/n felt two pair of hands grab her. "What the-, y/n help me please." The boy said. "What do you need help with." Y/n said pulling out of his grip. "I need help making tonight dinner." Y/n thought for a minute. Then a light bulb went off in her head. "If I help you , you gotta help me get through to Lucifer." Y/n said. Asmo looked stunned. "I will not."

He said as he put his hands on his hips. "Fine then I guess you'll be struggling with dinner." Y/n said. Before she could leave the kitchen asmo grab her arm and said. "Fine I'll help you."

Y/n smirk. "Of course you will."

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