Chappy 5

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Y/n POV:

Standing in the kitchen stirring whatever asmo had me stirring I couldn't stop thinking about what he told me.

Backstory like 10 minutes ago

"Ok listen cause I'm only gonna say this once kay y/n?" Asmo said as he point his finger in y/n face. "We were all angels before , a celestial war happen and we ended up here demons." Asmo said as he grab out some type of mixer and gave y/n a mixing spoon.

"During that time it was seven of us but Lucifer and diavolo sent my younger brother up to the human world." He said reaching into the fridge to grab milk. "My brother hate humans , so part of me feels like he isn't in the human world but still here in this house." Asmo said as he turn on the and threw what look like macaroni into the pot."

"Now there are you happy?"

Backstory ended

While stirring y/n couldn't get it off her mind. "Asmo when you said in this house do you mean the attic?" I ask. Asmo sighed. "Yes by in this house I mean the attic." I gasped. "I been hearing voices in the attic but I don't think it will be their brother it?" I thought as I look at asmo.

"You know you seem to be asking a lot of things that Lucifer I'm sure of kept away from you?" Asmo as he takes the pot off the stove and set it down. "Do you like him." He ask smirking. Y/n face turn red. "What I don't like him I just been curious that's all I swear." Y/n says as she runs out of the kitchen heading towards the dining room.

"Yes you do." Asmo thought to himself.

3rd POV:

Sitting in the dining room asmo began to bring out dinner. "Oh yes I'm hungry." Beel said as he licks his lips waiting for asmo to sit it down. Keeping her down y/n slowly look at Lucifer who was trying to not make it obvious but was looking at her too. "Me like him I don't think so." Y/n thought as she straighten up her posture and grab some of the macaroni that was red. "Looking at this bread Imma assume you didn't make this alone." Satan said as he took a bite of the bread.

"Oh no I didn't y/n help me." Asmo said all excited. Satan hmm in approval of the bread being delicious. "Yay y/n can cook and she's a looker." Asmo said while winking at y/n. She blush and look away. "Ok enough taking guys eat." Lucifer said. Gripping his spoon. "Ouuu no need to get jealous lucifer, she's all yours." Asmo said while winking again at y/n.

"I-i m full Imma go head to bed early." Y/n said as she got up from her chair and begin to head out the dining room. Walking past Lucifer he grab her arm and pull her close to his mouth. He whisper in her ear "Don't even think of going to the stairs." He said aggressively In her ear. She hissed in pain. "I won't." She said pulling her arm away.

Going to her room she rubbed the bruise that was starting to show on her arm. "Yo human you gonna wanna put ice on that." Mammon said as he gave y/n a ice pack. "Thanks, why is he like this." Y/n ask looking up at mammon. "I don't he always been a grumpy old guy." Mammon said putting his hands on his hips. "Help me!" Y/n heard.

She stop walking. "Did you hear it too?" She ask mammon as she look at the stairs. "Hear what." "Over here , come here!" The voice kept calling to her. She began to walk towards the stairs. "Yo human don't go towards them stairs unless you want Lucifer to yell at ya." He said grabbing y/n arm and dragging her towards her room. "But wait someone is in the attic." Y/n said trying to escape mammon grasp.

Getting her into the room mammon close her door. "Listen human cause I'm only gonna say this once , don't get on Lucifer bad side." Mammon while looking at y/n with a serious face. "I think it's to late for that." "I'm serious human don't do it he gets really scary when mad." Mammon said. Y/n threw herself on the bed. "But it's something in that attic." Y/n said.

Curiosity was gonna kill her she had to find a way to get up them stairs. If not she was gonna end up dying. "What can I do?" Y/n thought as she looked up at the ceiling. Then in idea hit her. "What if I start to make pacts." Y/n thought as she sat up on her bed looking at mammon as she grin ear to ear. "whaddya lookin at me like that for human?" Mammon said.

"And your gonna be my first victim."

Hey guys blxckbarbie here sorry for long wait been extremely busy but I promise Imma try to update on time. Also Imma be changing the story a little bit hope you guys ok with that.

Blxckbarbie signing off 🖤💋

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